JULY 15, 2025
The Sands of Sea Blue Beach
A poignant tale of second chances and the enduring power of loveAs Emery and Caleb rekindle their friendship and explore a chance at love, they join forces to unite Sea Blue Beach, a town bitterly divided into east and west, old and new. Together, they navigate family challenges, professional setbacks, and a high-stakes royal visit, all leading to a place where forgiveness and love reshape their journey back to each other.
Rachel Hauck
Just finished this book, and I am in stunned amazement at how beautiful this story is. The characters are so real, it’s like I know them. Even the supporting characters are fleshed out, believably flawed people, ones I’d be proud to call friends and family. I loved every part of this story. It makes me want to dust off that dream I gave up on and see where God will lead me with it. You have a tremendous gift. Thank you for sharing it with us! God’s blessings, my Sister!
I have been reading novels for 38 years, yet I have never written an author to tell them how much their words inspire me. I had to make an exception in your case. I am incredibly moved by all your books.
How is it when I pick up a book you have written I am guaranteed a great book? You have such a way with your characters that we are sucked in immediately. Thank you.
“Hauck’s novels are well-written, filled with memorable characters, detailed narratives, and excellent world-building (she creates countries one can visualize and want to visit!). To Love A Prince is more than just a modern-day fairy tale. It’s about those unexplainable God-moments in one’s life, and how secrets affect others .”
I am such a fan! Just discovered your books last month and wow. The wedding dress was the best book i have ever read and i am an avid reader. I am now devouring your lowcountry series.I am so spiritually challenged and blessed by your writing. Thank you for sharing your precious gift!
Hello from Tennessee! I’ve read your Once Upon a Prince series, and I LOVE it!
A Brush with Love… “Great book! You’ll love this one. Trust me when I say this is one of those that you won’t want to put down.”
“Full of surprises, twists and fun, this is a great read.”
I wanted to let you know how much I love The Writing Desk and have recommended it to my reading friends. You are so talented! I was just a few pages away from being finished when I went to bed last night…got up in the middle of the night and finished it off before going back to bed. 🙂 Thank you…I’ll be looking for more of your books.
“Rachel Hauck books are a must buy for me and To Love a Prince did not disappoint. It was a sweet, witty, charming love story with lots of heart.”
Rachel Hauck has a way of painting a story on your heart. Her descriptions are more felt than read and create the type of experience that transports her readers into the book. (from Once Upon A Prince review)
Rachel Hauck’s stories are filled with twists and turns that leave the reader breathelss and longing for more. She is a fresh fiction voice that will stir hearts for God.
“I’m always saying how I want the characters to have changed on the inside by the time I get to the end of a book, but what really makes a novel great is when youchange as well. That is when you know you have read a wonderful novel. So, I loudly applaud Rachel for this amazing final installment in her series. I absolutely loved it.” 5 Bookshelves Review
In sum, Miss Hauck has penned an amazing story (Once Upon A Prince.) She even surprised me at the end! Anyone who can accomplish that needs to pat themselves on the back. Her writing flows right off the page and into my imagination. Her characters appear lifelike and are relatable, something very important to me. This will be one I will reread in the future…
WOW! Perfect! The ending had me crying again and again and it ended PERFECTLY! Magnificent! Read.this.book.
“The Fifth Avenue Story Society is a fantastic novel! I loved it from the first page to the last!”
Best book ever. Not just the story about the love between both couples- but the love that God has for each of us. That he is involved in every area of our lives if we will just follow Him-and how He orchestrates things in our lives so that can find faith in Him. Can’t wait for your next book. And thanks to my daughter Amanda, the librarian, who introduced me to your work.
“The plot is HIGHLY engaging — be prepared to lose a day or two in this extraordinary book.”
Hauck stays true to style, adding fun and comedy to the unconventional romance, which gives the novella a lighthearted feel and leaves readers smiling. Readers will cheer for them from the very beginning.
“Rachel Hauck is an incredibly gifted author.”
“I was captivated from the first page.”
“I LOVED this book! I walked around with a silly grin on my face when I got to the end. *sighs*”
I just wanted to drop a line and thank you for the books you write and the characters you create. I love to get to the end of a book to find out how everything turns out.
I left a review on both amazon and good reads, but I wanted to send a “thank you” for writing and sharing this beautiful story (The Wedding Dress.) It is beautiful and a favorite. It strengthened my faith in my Father in Heaven. The characters were real to me, and a favorite part was that through the story the characters motivations were shown. If you lived close, I would bring you a bouquet of daisies. Thank you for writing this book.
“Wow. Wow,wow,wow,wow,WOW! I do not have a clue how Rachel pulled this off but I am so glad she did!!”
It is because of Rachel Hauck that paved way for my admiration of Christian writers.
“Once again you’re robbing me of my sleep! We’re on vacation, and last night I started reading The Wedding Shop. As always, the story is spell binding, and I can’t put it down! Ten thumbs up for this book. Your God-given gift of writing never ceases to amaze me!”
I thank God for your talent and that you wrote this book [The Wedding Dress] In the future I will definitely back again to this book and read it one more time. And now I just can not wait for to read another of them, “Once upon a prince”
“It was riveting, it was enthralling and as only Rachel Hauck can do, it was enchanting.”
I just finished The Memory House and I loved it. I had previously read The Wedding Shop which I also loved. I am now on the hunt for more. Thanks for the happy hours spent in your books.
I just finished The Memory House and absolutely loved it! My favorite of the books of yours I have read so far! Dual timeline was superbly done!
It is a rare gift when an author can write a book that completely removes you from your world, and immerse you in the novel they wrote. “The Wedding Dress” does that. From the first page to the last, you are glued to the story of these women and how a dress connects them. “The Wedding Dress” is a book you won’t want to put down. Rachel Hauck writes a story that stays with you long after you have turned the final page.
“I still can’t talk about “The Love Letter” without crying. It was one of the most beautiful stories I have ever read in my life. One day of reading I was furious and the next day I was sobbing so hard I couldn’t go to the store. I am for sure re-reading it.” Jacque Langdon
“This book DESTROYED my heart… and has so many twists and turns. This book was every bit amazing.”
“This is a stunning book. Fair warning, though – I cried my way through it. This is the kind of book that grabs at your heart and doesn’t want to let go.”
I loved it!! Best Book Yet!! Lip trembles and watery eyes included. Thankyou for another great read, from one, Florida girl to another. God Bless you!
“Rachel always writes a great story. I have not been disappointed in any of her books. They are the books I buy so I can read over and over.”
I just finished my ARC of Once Upon A Prince and I LOVED IT! I don’t say that often because I do so many book reviews and it’s hard to find a real gem, but this one fit the bill!
A talented author can create a world so real that you slip into it as if you’d always been a part of it. As if it were truth. I have found that to be true of Hauck no matter what she writes about. Upon entering the world of Brighton and now Hessenberg (Princess Ever After,) my mind was awash with the colors, sounds, sights, and even smells of this delightful, fictional city. So much so, I wish it were real so that I could schedule a visit! All in all, this was a world I did not want to leave.
I just finished reading The Wedding Dress–tremendous, captivating, suspense filled. Thank you!
Just like I knew she would, Rachel wove together a wonderfully sweet story full of characters I absolutely fell in love with from the moment I met them.
“By the end of the book I truly understood what a masterpiece of storytelling had been done by Rachel Hauck.”
I just finished The Memory House! I loved every moment and cried at the end. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story that relates so well to my own life…truly a gift from our Heavenly Father.
I just finished reading Hurricane Allie and wanted to let you know I really enjoyed it! I laughed and cried and laughed some more. The “remember that guy” episode was awesome!! Thank you for such a heart warming, faith filled and funny story.
Rachel Hauck’s inspiring Royal Wedding series is one for which you should reserve space on your keeper shelf!
“Hauck writes with an authenticity that is hard to find.”
The Best Summer of Our Lives was amazing!!! I wish I was still reading it and hanging out with the Seasons. Thank you so much…
I discovered Rachel Hauck after she’d already written a good many books, so I had the great pleasure to read one after another! She writes with such a passion for Christ that it is a wonderful blessing just reading. I get blessed reading how her characters are blessed! I do feel that she is a deeply committed believer and it definitely shows through in her work. I will always buy her books. She will remain on my list of favorite authors.
“Hauck pulls out all the stops in this heartwarming novel of perseverance and family.” Library Journal Starred Review.
I just discovered your Nashville books! Loved them. Just had to say thank you for getting Nashville right! The details about locations, even street names just made it more delightful. Love your weaving of scripture and spiritual life into great stories.
Hauck creates a charming story with a sweet twist. One can easily envision Once Upon a Prince as a movie. Hauck writes believable characters, especially secondary ones. The faith element adds an interesting plot twist to this story.
I love Rachel Hauck! I’ve read almost all of her books, and they’ve all been great! I can’t wait for more books from her!
The Wedding Dress is a thought-provoking read and one of the best books I have read. Look forward to more…
Recently finished “Once Upon a Prince.” Absolutely LOVED it! A perfect summer (or fall or winter or spring, for that matter) read. It was the best book I have read in a l-o-n-g time! You have set the bar high, Rachel!
“I cannot tell you when I have loved a book more than this one. The dual plots were captivating and once I became drawn into the story lines of the characters involved I was hooked. The story starts during WWII and carries on to the present. It is a beautifully written story of what lies, deceit, and spite can do to a family.”
Thanks for writing such a good book. You never go where I think you’re going in your stories, and you make me think about something I never thought before. Please continue to write such wonderful and thought provoking stories.
I have never written an author before but your book, Once Upon A Prince, was so charming and delightful I just wanted to send a note of encouragement. Well done! My heart smiled, my mouth giggled, and my dishes were ignored while reading your fun fiction. God has gifted you. Looking forward to the rest of the series…
I have read ALL of Rachel’s books and have loved every one of them! She has been given a wonderful gift and uses it to the fullest! Waiting, impatiently, for the next book to come out!
Let me start by saying this is a Rachel Hauck Fan Club letter! I just finished The Wedding Dress a few nights … It was poetic and beautifully written. Your words impacted me.
I just finished The Memory House! I LOVE your books!! They are so absorbing….I can’t put them down! So looking forward to your next one. Thank you and God bless!
“I was expecting a pretty light-hearted, fanciful story. The kind of things that girl’s dream about as children. While this novel definitely had elements of that, I also found it to have a depth that surprised me. A strong message all wrapped up in an extremely enjoyable tale.”
“This is an incredibly powerful story of redeeming love from an everlasting source. Outstanding barely describes this book.”
Since I discovered your books, my Rachel Hauck library has had a permanent home on my ‘favourites’ shelf. Familiar and much loved books are similar to comfort food. Warm and cozy and, at its heart, the ultimate in comfort. For me, that’s your books. They’re like a mug of hot chocolate by a cozy fire on a cold winter day (I’m Canadian, after all). I love the theme of redemption you work into everything. I love the way you work Biblical truths into your stories without them feeling heavy handed or awkward. If I’m feeling “off” on any day, I can always read one of your stories and come out feeling more peaceful and myself. What I really want to say is thank you for your books. Thank you for doing what you do.
Rachel Hauck writes with comedic timing and dramatic flair that underscore the stirring theme of God equipping and legitimizing those He calls to fulfill a purpose. Rachel’s portrayal of the supernatural presence and intercession of the Holy Spirit is artfully executed and a powerful testimony. Hauck illustrates Reggie’s spiritual awakening with a purity that leaves little doubt to its credibility.
I just finished The Love Letter. It’s a wonderfully written book which I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend to all readers.
“A completely satisfying read. I’ve read A March Bride 3 times!”
You have a gift from God, my sister in Christ, and I for one am most grateful you were obedient to His call on your life! Once Upon a Prince was yet another masterpiece in your repertoire. (I base excellent writing on how dirty my house gets during the reading of the novel, and my house was filthy for days while I laid on my couch reading your book!)
Both books, Once Upon A Prince and Princess Ever After are a good blend of uplifting entertainment with a mystery twist – not too heavy, not too light, just right! Five plus stars awarded to these most excellent books by Rachel Hauck.
Rachel Hauck infuses every story with genuine emotion, spiritual insight, and a little bit of magic.
Rachel Hauck has a gift for bringing fictional characters to life! I found myself laughing at the clever antics the characters go through, crying when they cry, and cheering with them when they find out where God wants them to be. After you read one of her books, you want to read all of them! I eagerly wait for more of her God inspired work!
I read The Wedding Shop first. (I know, wrong order but it didn’t end up mattering!) Then I found out there were more (a marvelous discovery for a woman who, as an avid young reader was always afraid she’d run out of books she loved). Then The Wedding Dress and just now finished The Wedding Chapel. Great characters, plot, life lessons and inspirational themes. And God honoring. So glad to know there are many more Rachel Hauck books!

Rachel Hauck
is the NY Times, USA Today, & Wallstreet Journal bestselling author of over thirty novels. She lives and writes from sunny central Forida with her pastor husband.
The Sands Of Sea Blue Beach
From the talented pen of New York Times bestselling author Rachel Hauck comes a poignant tale of second chances and the enduring power of love.
Meet Me at the Starlight
Eighties supermodel Harlow Hayes seeks solace in a quaint Florida beach town to hide and heal from a heartbreak that shattered her entire world. To her surprise, she encounters Matt Knight—a Hollywood A-lister with a bad-boy reputation—who has returned to his hometown to help his plucky grandmother, Tuesday, save her century-old skating rink, the Starlight.
The Best Summer of Our Lives
Celebrating the songs of our hearts, the joys of love, and the threads of friendship that tie us all together, New York Times bestselling author Rachel Hauck's radiant story perfectly captures all the romance, heartache, and hope of the best summer ever. READ MOREYou'll Be Mine
Book Two of the Hearts Bend CollectionA heart-healing story of second chances set in the charming town of Hearts Bend! READ MORE
One Fine Day
A second chance for a first love...Escape to Hearts Bend for a sweet story of romance, faith, and an unexpected happy ending. READ MORE

To Save a King
Book Two of the True Blue Royal SeriesA modern-day fairy tale of hope and rescue from NYT bestselling author Rachel Hauck. READ MORE

To Love a Prince
Book One of the True Blue Royal Series When affection grows into love and secrets are exposed, trust is destroyed. READ MORE
The Fifth Avenue Story Society
What would you do if you received a mysterious invitation to a story society? Discover what five New Yorkers did in this Publisher's Weekly Bestseller.. READ MORE
The Love Letter
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Dress comes a story of long-lost love and its redemption in future generations. READ MORE
The Writing Desk
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Dress comes a new captivating novel of secrets, romance, and two women bound together across time by a shared dream. READ MORE
A Brush With Love
Ginger Winters is a gifted hairstylist with scars no one can see. The last thing she expects from the New Year is a new chance at love. READ MOREA Royal Christmas Wedding
It’s been five years since Avery Truitt and Prince Colin of Brighton Kingdom fell in love. But he broke her heart with no explanation. READ MORE
A March Bride
It’s been five years since Avery Truitt and Prince Colin of Brighton Kingdom fell in love. But he broke her heart with no explanation. READ MOREHow to Catch a Prince
An American heiress and a crown prince seem destined to be together. READ MORELet's Stay Connected
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