Contests abound in the writing world. For a good reason. They provide feedback to the writer. Is your story resonating with the reader? Do you have the elements of craft in command?
The Frasier is one of the best unpublished contests because judges look for the exact same elements as an editor or agent would look for in a new manuscript.
The feedback is invaluable to improving and polishing your story. If you’re struggling with getting to the next level, or are frustrated with the feedback you’ve been getting from others, submit to the Frasier.
As a judge, I enjoy this contest. The scoring is all electronic and specific to the requirements of the contest. It removes the subjectiveness of it all.
So, as an entrant, you can trust your piece is getting a fair assessment. So come on! Join the fun.
Entries for the 2013 MBT Frasier Contest for unpublished novelists will be accepted through Saturday, March 31, at 11:59 p.m. The contest is open to Voices members. The winner will receive a scholarship to a My Book Therapy coaching retreat ($500 value). Final round judges are award-winning author Susan May Warren; literary agent Steve Laube and a TBD fiction acquisitions editor. For more information, FAQs and to enter, visit