…. in history when the media/people/leaders swooned over a political leader/candidate. Claimed they felt electric and excitement.
That “you just have to see him in person.”
What scares me about Obama is the media is so messmerized by him they are not looking behind the man, thinking, asking the deep, hard questions.
I don’t feel electric when I think of him being president. I feel sad, a little queasy, fighting fear, and so convinced he does NOT have the experience to lead our country.
I do not want to be known as the former greatest nation. Or the former free America.
I ask, Who will be his advisors? Who will he pick for his cabinet? Who will advise him on foreign policy. Why do Iran and Venezuela want him as president?
All I can do is pray. Is McCain better? I don’t know. But based on his experience, his stand on Israel, and other issues, his potential advisors, his stand on national security, I have to say yes.