A woman who thinks, acts and takes hormones to look like a man gives birth! No!! This story about a man giving birth is just too inane not to speak about.
So here I am, I’m saying it, “THE KING HAS NO CLOTHES!”
Thomas Beatie is a woman who wanted to be a man. So, she took hormones to grow hair, and cut off her breast and found a partner, another woman she could call a wife.
However, please hear me. Thomas does not have the key ingredient to being a man! One, born with DNA. Sorry, doesn’t have it. Can’t create it. The thought processes, the hidden spirit of a man. Why, she was born a woman. And taking hormones does not change those factors.
She also doesn’t have a penis. No, she kept her womb because she wanted to give birth. “What? You think you’re a man and want to give birth?”
Serious, poll of all normal, naturally born men and please tell me if you ever truly yearned to give birth. My guess is no. Maybe curious, or wonder what it’s like, but men do not have the DNA that women do. They desire to be FATHERS not MOTHERS.
This person is so confused, and the media is even more confused and Too STOOPID to ask, “Hey, if you’re a man, how can you give birth? Why did you keep your girl parts? Why didn’t your wife give birth? Why do you not have a penis?”
I’m beyond stumped on this one. So, if I want to be, I don’t know, a Hollywood star all I have to do is go around saying I am. Maybe shoot some head shots, fake a resume, act like an imbecile? Ta-da, I’m a Hollywood star.
No wonder we believe in Global Warming without looking at all the facts, or that Barack Obama is a “different” kind of politician.
Think about if we elect Barack Obama. We elect the spirit that’s with him, the spirit he grew up under. (Marxist mother and grandmother, Islamic influence.) A friend of mine had a dream about it. Scary. We’ve got to get back to recognizing the spirit of a person, the spirit of a nation.
We are great because of God, and because our forefathers dedicated this nation to God, and His Christ. We became great. Look at the nations who are not dedicated to God and His Christ. The oppression is unbelievable.
So, back to Thomasa Beatie, a woman who thinks she’s a man, but wants to give birth has a dark confusing spirit influencing her.
So, yes, pray. Pray for our nation.
And please, please, someone say it, “THE KING HAS NO CLOTHES!”
This man is just a really hairy, breastless woman!