So, I’m reading The Great Gatsby (by F. Scott Fitzgerald for those of you who live in a hole 😉 and came across this dialog exchange between Mrs. Wilson an her neighbor, Mrs. McKee: “I like your dress,” remarked Mrs. McKee, “I think it’s adorable.”Mrs. Wilson rejected the compliment by raising her eyebrow in disdain. “It’s just a crazy old …
Healing well
Thanks to all the kind comments about my cold-thing. I’m feeling better. Still vocally weak and raspy, but the throat swelling and pain is gone. TMI? Moving on, right… Worked on my new book today. I have this cool program, Scrivener, a true author tool for Macs. I’ve never found author tools to be much help, but this one makes …
I’m sick. Yes. I have some kind of soar throat, no voice thing going on and it happens every time I go to a conference or writer’s event. Well, almost happens every time. What up? I’m getting a little better, but still sluggish and not in favor of talking much. Maybe that’s a good thing. I’d rather be known for …
From A Distance, by Tamera Alexander
Please welcome friend and fellow author, Tamera Alexander. Tammy and I have known each other since our pre-pubbed days and I’m loving all God is doing with her writing. She’s lovely inside and out. Tammy’s penned another fabulous historical for Bethany House. Be sure to check it out. About “From A Distance” What happens when dreams aren’t what you imagined, …
A day at Cocoa Beach
Friend and author Susan May Warren is visiting for a few days before we head over to Orlando for a writer’s retreat, and the beginning of International Christian Retail Show. Yesterday, we buzzed around town – unfortunately it’s raining so we can’t put the top down – and went over to Melbourne Beach, then up A1A to Cocoa Beach to …
Man does NOT give birth! And the spirit out our leaders
A woman who thinks, acts and takes hormones to look like a man gives birth! No!! This story about a man giving birth is just too inane not to speak about. So here I am, I’m saying it, “THE KING HAS NO CLOTHES!” Thomas Beatie is a woman who wanted to be a man. So, she took hormones to grow …
Cutting hair
I cut my hair today. Well, my stylist cut my hair. It’s pretty short. But cute, if I say so myself. (See notes on final line of blog.) I’m a big believer in cutting hair. Religious convictions aside – I’ll leave those between the individual and God – but hair can become an idol, a way to get our identity. …
Welcome Linda Hall
Please welcome fellow author, Linda Hall, talking this week about her new LI Suspense, Shadows At The Window, which earned Top Pick from Romantic Times Book Club Reviews Hi Linda, tell us about SHADOWS AT THE WINDOW. Shadows at the Window is the second in my “shadows” trilogy. The women in these series of books must deal with and work …