I won, I won, I won!

Rachel HauckBritish lottery, email, fraud, greed, money, winning 7 Comments

Just got an email. I am So excited!! I won the British Lottery! I didn’t even know I entered. This is fantastic. Just when you think the world is not spinning your way, BAM! you win the British Lottery! I’m stoked. My problems are solved. Who needs living by faith, being of no reputation, owing only a debt of love? …

Beyond The Night by Marlo Schalesky

Rachel Hauckblindness, books, Faith, fiction, Marlo Schalesky, writing 1 Comment

Please welcome fellow author, Marlo Schalesky who has a wonderful new release, “Beyond the Night” from Waterbrook, Random House.Marlo, tell us about the book, please. Well, here’s the official blurb: They say love is blind.This time they’re right. . . As a woman lies unconscious in a hospital bed, her husband waits beside her, urging her to wake up and …

Welcome Marlo Schalesky and Beyond The Night

Rachel HauckUncategorized Leave a Comment

Beyond the Night By Marlo Schalesky Amazon Link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1601420161 Publisher: Waterbrook-Multnomah, a division of Random HouseMarlo’s website: www.marloschalesky.com The Blurb: They say love is blind.This time they’re right… As a woman lies unconscious in a hospital bed, her husband waits beside her, urging her to wake up and come home. Between them lies an ocean of fear and the tenuous …

The Summer of Love ’67

Rachel HauckUncategorized Leave a Comment

“If these young people hadn’t declared the possibility of a new culture, a new family,” says beat poet Michael McClure, “a new tribe, believing in peace, nature, sexuality, the positive use of psychedelic drugs — if they hadn’t been there to broaden and deepen the hundreds of thousands and then millions of people who were broadened and deepened by this …

Meet my friend, Kathleen Kovach

Rachel HauckACFW, Christian fiction, Florida Weddings, Kathleen Kovach, Love Letters, novella, writing 5 Comments

Hey, Kathy, welcome to rachelhauck.com! For all y’all out there, I’ve known Kathy for about six years, first meeting in Kansas City at the first ACFW conference in 2002. While I haven’t been an integral part of her writing career, I’ve watched and cheered from the sidelines! I’m so pleased with her writing success. So, Kathy, thanks for stopping by. …

Having a Garage Sale

Rachel Hauckbook deal, dogs, garage sale, salvation testimony 6 Comments

So, Tony and I are having a “no one wants to buy your crap” garage sale. We cleaned out closets and drawers on Wednesday, organized the garage and ta-da, we’re all set to sell our unwantable-closet-clutter to the masses. So far… no one wants to buy our crap. Can’t say as I blame them, but we have some nice knick-knack …

Abortion numbers outweigh men and women lost in war

Rachel HauckUncategorized 8 Comments

Since 9-11, six thousand Americans have died: 3K in the towers. 3K fighting to preserve freedom. In the meantime, 5 million babies have been aborted. Babies with a life and destiny someone didn’t think mattered. Evil perpetuates when good men and women do nothing. Since Row v. Wade, more babies have been killed by abortion than the men and women …

Finished a book in 24

Rachel HauckMaggie O'Farrell, reading, writing 2 Comments

I can’t remember the last time I read a book in 24 hours. Maybe Bob Larson’s “Dead Air” because I thought it was so ridiculous and I kept waiting for him to redeem the Saints. Maybe it was Elizabeth Berg, “Dream When You’re Feeling Blue.” I picked up Maggie O’Farrell’s “The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox” at the airport yesterday, …