… Men in starched shirts, pressed slacks, thick black case by their feet as they stand before the airport gate, phone device in their ear as they talk, as if to the air, about marketing and ops getting it together, about calling an all-hands meeting, getting production to come up to speed. I’ve heard the conversations. Different face, different place, …
Wagered Heart by Robin Lee Hatcher
(Note: I can’t get the jpgs to load. Sorry! But read on!) Please welcome my friend and fabulous author, Robin Lee Hatcher. She’s going to tell us about her latest release, Wagered Heart. Congratulations, Robin Lee, on another great book. About Wagered Heart: When Bethany Silverton left the genteel life of Miss Hendersonís School for Young Ladies back in Philadelphia …
I crack myself up…
For reason I’ll keep to myself, I’m reading my old diaries. I gotta tell you, if you’re a teenager or have a teenager, please, keep a diary or tell them to keep a diary. I love pulling out my diaries and reading them. I laugh out loud every other page. I kept them for seventeen years and after I got …
Brad Pitt on Brad Pitt
I liked this quote. [Time magazine, 10/13/97] You shouldn’t speak until you know what you’re talking about. That’s why I get uncomfortable with interviews. Reporters ask me what I feel China should do about Tibet. Who cares what I think China should do? I’m a [bleeping] actor! They hand me a script. I act. I’m here for entertainment. Basically, when …
I am…
… listening to Christmas music. I’m such a sap. 😉 In other news, my summer release from Thomas Nelson, Love Starts With Elle, is Romantic Times Book Club Reviews, TOP PICK for July. Well, one of three. I’m stoked. It’s my first Top Pick. All glory goes to Jesus! I really was worried about this book because I wrote it …
Memorial Day
I was probably six or seven years old when I became aware of the Vietnam war. We lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma and my dad attended ORU and worked part-time as a youth pastor. The teens then – oh, they seemed so old and mature to me – wore aluminum wrist bands with the name of their friends or family fighting …
Sunday afternoon napping
Sleeping… coming to now and then… watching Gilmore Girls reruns on DVD. (Thanks, Jodi!) It’s a beautiful day here. Worship went well this morning. I am blessed with such a good band! Nevertheless, God seemed to enjoy our singing. Went out to lunch with a guest and I managed to stay within Weight Watcher’s points.
What I’ve been up 2
So, you’re wondering, “Rach, do you blog any more or are we just supposed to imagine what your life is all about?” No indeedy, you’re not. Please don’t. I’m blogging, see, I’m blogging. I’ve been busy, too. Working on a new synopsis for next book, working title Dining with Joy. How do you like it? I’m reviving my celebrity “chef” …
Welcome to the “Sweet Life” blog tour!
To celebrate the release of Sweet Caroline, I’m hosting a blog tour and a Scrumptious Baking Basket give away! Fun! All you have to do is sign up for my newsletter here and you’ll be entered to win the gift basket stuffed with a super cool apron, a signed copy of Pat Conroy’s Low-Country cookbook, a pie plate, rolling pin, …
She Always Wore Red
I’m honored to have my friend and fellow author, Angie Hunt stop by today to talk about her latest release from Tyndale House, She Always Wore Red. Sounds like a great story, Angie. I love the cover. Can you give us a brief synopsis? “I’d love to,” said Angie. Jennifer Grahamm, mother, student, and embalmer’s apprentice, could use a friend. …