Tonight a bunch of us gathered at church to just worship and tug on God for more of Him. We hunkered down in the kid’s sanctuary because the youth-types had a metal concert. Oh joy – Tony and I were fortunate enough to catch the last and headliner band, Black Regiment. The lead singer shoved my Sunday morning worship mike …
My barking dogs
And I don’t mean my feet. Hahaha, get it. “My dogs are barking…” Well, okay, never mind. My dog, dogs, you know them Pal and Lola, bark. Yep. Not all the time, but Pal lays by the front window looking out, then goes berserk when something goes by: another dog, a person on a bike way, way down the road, …
Author Intrusion
This happens to me frequently. I wake up in the pre dawn and in a twilight sleepy wakefulness, God speaks to me. Story idea. Plot resolution. Encouragement. Ideas. Words for other people. This morning, He spoke to me about “author intrusion.” I shared it with our congregation as I led the way to Him in worship. Author intrusion is when …
I’ve concluded this
It’s about Jesus. Keeping our eyes on Him. No matter what the circumstances, no matter what’s going on around us, gaze at Jesus. He is love. He is willing. He is able.
This morning, I sat on the beach as the sun claimed the day and thick waves crashed the shore.
Tuesday Checking In
Can you believe the end of April is coming? Wow, the year has gone by so fast. I’m good… took the dogs for a walk under a rainy sky. Pal had a teeth cleaning-pulling yesterday so he was a little groggy, but when he saw me put on my workout clothes, he went crazy. So, I took him and Lola …
Well, we’re glued to the TV these days, watching Todd Bentley and the healing revival God is doing over in Lakeland.Just through the TV, we feel the anointing, tear up as we watch chronically ill people receive healing.Todd’s fun to watch. He’ll exclaim, “Bam!” as he prays for people. Today, he explained the phrase just comes out of him. He …
Sigh. Sigh…. Sigh! Sigh. Sigh…. Sigh! sighsighsighsighsighsigh
Flowers for Rachel
During a grocery run this morning, I decided to buy myself flowers. Why not? I’d completed the final task for Love Starts With Elle – reviewing the galleys – and thought, “Boss, give your employee a reward.” Being as I am both boss and employee, I agreed with myself and bought flowers. I’m not a huge “flowers” person, but they …
Updates on a boring life
Okay, life has been a little boring lately – I’m happy to report. Not boring to me, but just no a whole heck of a lot to report. Life is status quo and I’m glad! I am feeling quite ranty about politics, but I’ll refrain from spewing here. I’ll say this, “Think, people, think. Listen! With both ears, your heart …