Hearing God, Part III

Rachel HauckFaith, giving, hearing God, receiving, testimonies 3 Comments

Hearing God takes time. Focus. Dedication. My personal experience is I can’t hear God on the run (typically) and I can’t hear God out of angst or anxiety. My mind and emotions speak to me every time in those situations. Yet, there have been times when I was in turmoil and as I went to prayer, asking God for peace …

Hearing God, Part II

Rachel HauckDeeper In God, hearing God, listening, Love, the Word 2 Comments

The other day I blogged about how to hear God. The main point I made was that we have to believe He speaks to us. Second we have to have faith and believe He’s who He says He is. The Bible is the one true place to discover God’s character. Hebrews 4:12 tells us the Word is living and active, …

Hearing God

Rachel Hauckfellowship with us, hearing God, speaking, truth 1 Comment

Recently some friends were discussing the topic of hearing God. During prayer, how do we know the answer we seek is from God, ourselves or Satan? Good question! I know a lot of Jesus-lovers who say they’ve never heard Him speak to them. My guess is He has, they just don’t know it. But the older we become in our …

In Between

Rachel Hauckbooks, waiting, writing 4 Comments

I’m in between right now. Waiting. But it’s a good place to be. I was reading some of my old blog post and thought, “hey, I used to write pretty good blog.” These days, I’m not so sure. I’m saving my brain power for my next brilliant book. Just for grins, here’s the opening for Love Starts With Elle. Twilight …

Behind the Scenes 4: Sweet Caroline

Rachel Hauckbehind the scenes, books, Christian fiction, Sweet Caroline, writing 1 Comment

While I felt Caroline’s story turned out well, I wasn’t sure the readers and reviewers would agree. I wondered if people felt a once-in-a-life-time change in Barcelona was “over the top.” Would the Cafe scenarios and repairs come across realistic? I had to do quite a bit of research on that part. Did I show how Caroline was a servant …

Behind the Scenes 2: Sweet Caroline

Rachel Hauckbooks, friends, prayer, writing 2 Comments

I didn’t get a good, good start on Sweet Caroline until December. Between October and November, I had a lot of starts and throw-aways. Here’s one: My grandfather Rainier and I had a tradition. The day after Thanksgiving he’d come by our house around four in the afternoon and take me to the Frogmore Cafe for a hot bowl of …

Romans 5

Rachel Hauckcharacter, death, hopes, Jesus, life, perseverance, Romans 3 Comments

I love, love, love singing the Word. Get a three or four chord progression going and God’s Word opens up and speaks to the human heart. I’ve been super-duper busy lately and while it is NO excuse, my prayer and Word time has been scattered. So, I sat at the keyboard this afternoon and opened to Romans 5. I love …