Okay, finally! Love Starts With Elle is turned in for first round editing… more to come… and I picked winners of Amy Grant’s Mosaic! Rob and Rob! Blue67ccm and Rob Bartlett. Send me your snail mail, gents! Thanks and Congratulations. Now, a CHANCE to win a copy of Sweet Caroline! Sign up for my newsletter and your name will be …
Feel like reminiscing
Yesterday was a beautiful day. Tony and I drove over to Kissimmee, FL for The Call. I needed a day of prayer and outstanding worship. Mike Bickle and Lou Engel cast such great vision and hope in God coupled with wisdom and knowledge of the days in which we live. The indoor stadium was cold, so I walked out to …
I’m like an athlete
Same routine every day until the book is finished. Get up, go to McDonalds, try to wake up, boot laptop, take thirty minutes to goof around in email, read blogs, open manuscript, launched DVD of Justin Rizzo leading worship at KC “One Thing,” eat no meat or sweets, (okay so this a Daniel Fast, still…) start editing where left off …
Sweet Caroline is almost here!
Sweet Caroline, my next Thomas Nelson book debuts February 12. I’m so excited. Romantic Times Book Club wrote: Hauck’s adorable novel contains the multi-layered characters readers have come to expect from her books. The enjoyable story and unpredictable ending entertains and offers much to think about. – 4.5 Stars, Melissa Parcel, Romantic Times Book Club I’m so busy finishing Love …
A wonderful dream
A great vision visited me in the night. Ohio State played a third National Championship game and Won! I said, “See, they are the National Champs!” And to be honest, I don’t think the Nighttime Tylenol for colds effected me at all.
Candidate Guideline
Two great American’s said: And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your county can do for you, but what you can do for your country. – John F. Kennedy I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by …
God’s Love
Isn’t this a great verse from Paul’s letter to the Romans? (Chapter 5, verse 5) “And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” Make this your personal prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to pour out love in your heart for Jesus, for others. …
I should post
But as I’m on my way out the door, then back to work on Love Starts With Elle, I can’t think of much to write. Besides, I need to save my energy and words for da book! Truly, I pray you all are having a God kissed day.
Dogs and people
In my life, we’ve owned two dog breeds – Sheltie and Beagle. Growing up we had Shelties. Mom has a Just do it!
Please welcome my friend and author Susan Meissner. I’ve known Susan for a few years now and love her heart and spirit. She’s a beautiful, fabulous woman in love with Jesus. Check out her latest release. Blue Heart Blessed Left standing at the altar, Daisy Murien, a wounded but hopeful romantic, opens a secondhand wedding dress boutique, hoping to soothe …