A couple of “our girls” came for Christmas, Carrie and Elizabeth. The slumbered in the guest room and it was fun and pleasant to have them here. One lives in D.C., the other in Tallahassee. This season, Tony and I learned a new game, Carcassonne. It’s a “board” game with puzzle like pieces where the players build cities, fields and …
I wanna be found faithful
I wanna be found faithfulI wanna be found steadyI wanna be found faithfulUntil the end.Justin Rizzo Just a quick update as I need to get editing/rewriting today. Elle’s story still needs an ending. I know it, just haven’t written it all the way. Grace, grace
it’s Over
Today, we took down the Christmas tree.
Seven Weird Things About Me
Well, I was going to blog on the line from the Lord’s Prayer about “lead me not into temptation,” but… my sister tagged me to admit seven weird things about myself. So, tomorrow or Monday, I’ll download my great wisdom on the temptation line. Seven weird things…. (and only seven, you can’t make me confess more.) 7.) It’s hard to …
Amy Grant’s book, Mosaic
I have copies of Amy Grant’s book to give away. Leave a comment to be eligible for a drawing. I loved this book, being both warmed and challenged by Grant’s most charmed life. Born in a family with Nashville roots to a doctor and his wife, Grant is the youngest of four sisters. By the stories she tells, she’s lived …
More Grand Writing News
Top reviewer, Rel, from Australia picked Diva as one of her top ’07 reads. Thanks! RT, Romantic Times Book Club Review honored Sweet Caroline with 4.5 stars, their hightest rating. Though, I must explain. The 4.5 stars comes with it’s own sub rating. My good buddy and MyBookTherapy partner, Susan Warren, got 4.5 stars and Top Pick! Congrats Suz. We …
End of the Year
It’s Sunday after. The late December day is warm, sunny and breezy under a blue sky. The year is ending. Feels like another day in a standard week, but the calendar turns. I make no resolutions except to be purposeful in knowing Jesus more, and learning to love. If He increases in me, I decrease and the world becomes a …
A nod from Reviewers
A couple of book reviewers gave me a nod this week. Thank so much Michelle and Jana. Michelle with EdgyInspirationalAuthor picked Diva NashVegas as one of her Top 2007 reads. And Janna at Cornhuskeracademy picked Lambert’s Code as one of her Life Changing reads of 2007. (Though the book was released in October 2005.) Patricia Woodside over at Readin N …
Merry Christmas 2007
Note to self: Update address book. Only two addys are valid. I‘ve resolved this year to send the annual Christmas letter. I’m always close to a deadline in December, thus frantic. Besides, I blog all over kingdom come: web site, MySpace, Shoutlife, Xanga, Facebook and one new blog site I can’t even remember so I feel like our life is …
Get Up On Those Walls
Tony has a pre-Christmas game. A castle building, surf conquering theme where Tony gathers defenders for his domain. The other night all I heard was, “Get up on those walls.” You know, such a saying gets to a person. “Get up on those walls.” For a day, I walked around, “Get up on those walls.” (more like “Get up on …