Thanks so much to all who stopped by to read the Christmas memories of such wonderful authors. And, thanks to all who shared with us. Be sure to stop by Tricia Goyer’s place, and Camy Tang’s as the interview tour continues! I have a bunch of book drawings to do. Here are the winners: Gail Martin’s new release: WindyCity. Diann …
The 12 Authors of Christmas Final Bonus, the lovely Tricia Goyer
Please welcome friend and author, Tricia Goyer. I’ve known Tricia for several years now and she is one person I always look forward to seeing at writer’s conferences or retreats. Her warm smile and love for others wins everyone over. Welcome, Tricia. Tell us about your first Christmas memory? I remember being an angel in a Christmas pageant and my …
The 12 Authors of Christmas Bonus – Gail Gaymer Martin
Please welcome friend and award winning author, Gail Martin. I’ve known Gail for many years, and am honored to serve with her as an Advisor to American Christian Fiction Writers. Welcome Gail! Tell us about your first Christmas memory. My most vivid first Christmas memory was when I was four. Because of Christmas, the physician allowed mom to give birth …
The 12 Authors of Christmas – Linda Hall
Welcome friend and author, Linda Hall, from the Great White North, our Canadian neighbor! Thanks for stopping by, Linda. Tell us about your first Christmas memory? In my growing up house, the Christmas tree wasn’t put up and decorated until after we kids had gone to bed on Christmas Eve. (rh: My dad grew up with the same tradition.) But …
The 12 Authors of Christmas – Marlo Schalesky
Please welcome author and friend, Marlo Schalesky. I know Marlo mostly via email, but looking forward to meeting her in person one day soon. Tell us about your first Christmas memory? I must have been about four years old. I remember running into the family room and seeing the presents under the tree. Later I unwrapped one for me – …
The 12 Authors of Christmas – Donita Paul
Please welcome author and friend, one time mentor, Donita Paul. I met Donita in a critique group years ago and she was a great help to me. In fact, she critiqued my first published book, “Lambert’s Pride.” Welcome, Donita. Tell us about your first Christmas memory? I had three brothers older and wiser than me. In our house, we were …
The ninth 12th Author of Christmas – Jill Nelson
Hi everyone! Please welcome my friend and fabo author, Jill Nelson. She writes intrigue-adventure-romance stories that spark the reader’s faith. I’m honored to have her stop by the Christmas tour! Let’s read about Jill’s Christmas memories. Tell us about your first Christmas memory? This isn’t my earliest memory, but it was something I was reminiscing about just the other day. …
Continuing The 12 Authors of Christmas with DiAnn Mills!
Please welcome my friend, author and special encourager, DiAnn Mills. I met DiAnn in ’97 at Write-To-Publish. She was pre-pubbed but about to sell her first Heartsong Presents. We hit it off and spent every evening (or was it morning) walking the track at Wheaton for exercise and conversation. DiAnn has been a huge encouragement to me. I joined American …
The 12 Autors of Christmas, Terri Blackstock!
Today we’re hearing from my friend and award winning author, Terri Blackstock. And, as a bonus, today is Terri’s birthday. Be sure to send her birthday greetings. The picture to the left is Terri as Celebrity Grand Marshall of the Clinton, Mississippi Christmas Parade in 2006. “I was riding with the Grand Marshall and his granddaughter. Notice how excited the …
The 6th Author on a 12ish Author Tour – Kristen Heitzmann!
Welcome author and friend Kristen Heitzmann, and share her Christmas Memories. Kristen, thanks for stopping by! Tell us about your first Christmas memory? I remember walking to church in the dark, wearing scratchy tights and mittens, and the way the whole sanctuary glowed when we stepped inside. (rh: Ooo, I had a pair of those same tights!) Growing up, did …