The 12 Authors of Christmas welcomes Deborah Raney

Rachel HauckChristmas memories, Deborah Raney, fiction, traditions 7 Comments

Please welcome friend and author, Deborah Raney. I met Deb almost seven years ago on an email loop for writers, then in person at a conference. She’s always kind and beautiful, and a great source of encouragement to all writers. Welcome, Deb! Tell us about your first Christmas memory? I remember the Christmas Eve service at the little country church …

The 12 Authors of Christmas Tour Continues with Janelle Schneider

Rachel HauckBoxing Day, Christmas memories, fiction, traditions 4 Comments

Please greet and meet author and friend, Janelle Scheinder. While some of you may not be familiar with Janelle’s name, she’s been in the biz many years, first publishing in ’93! Welcome, Janelle. My first Christmas memory is of the Christmas when I was 14. It was the first time we celebrated Christmas as a family, and I remember how …

The 12 Authors of Christmas – Kathryn Mackel

Rachel HauckAuthors, Christmas, fiction, Kathryn Mackel, traditions 11 Comments

Please welcome author and friend, Kathryn Mackel. She’s written us a very honest and heart felt interview with a desire to comfort and touch those who may have grown up without the ideal Christmas. Thank you, Kathy! When Rachel offered the opportunity to revisit our Christmas memories, I jumped at the chance. Who doesn’t love Christmas? I put my tree …

The 12 Authors of Christmas Tour!

Rachel HauckAuthors, Christmas, fiction, friends, fun, reading 2 Comments

Hey y’all! Starting tomorrow, December 1st, I’m hosting ” The 12 Authors of Christmas.” Stop by each day to read Christmas memories and traditions of your favorite authors, and perhaps a few new-to-you authors. I’ll be hosting the first half of December with the lovely and gracious Tricia Goyer hosting the last half of the month and the sweet and …

Weclome Cindy Woodsmall

Rachel HauckAmish, Cindy Woodsmall, fiction, reading 5 Comments

My friend and author, Cindy Woodsmall, has a new release in her Sisters of the Quilt series. Cindy is doing great with these wonderful stories. Take a look at a blurb about book two, “When The Morning Comes. Her relationship with former fiance Paul Waddell in tatters, Hannah Lapp has fled her home in hopes of finding refuge with another …

Horrible Picture taker

Rachel Hauckfamily, snow, Thanksgiving 4 Comments

I confess, I love taking pictures. But, I’m horrible at remembering. I cart my little digital around, then forget to use it. Or, forget to gather friends and family for pictures. I miss my Nikon SLR where I could compose and adjust. I’m not sure I enjoy “point and shoot” photography. Anyway, we are home from Tennessee/Indiana/Tennessee. We saw lots …