Hearts Evergreen by Robin Lee Hatcher

Rachel HauckChristmas, fiction, reading, Robin Lee Hatcher 1 Comment

Hi everyone, please welcome my friend and author, Robin Lee Hatcher, out with another fabulous Christmas romance. What goes better with Christmas lights and hot chocolate than a good romance? In A Cloud Mountain Christmas (Robin’s story in Hearts Evergreen, a collection of two novellas from Steeple Hill), Maddie Scott, reeling from the news that her ex-husband has remarried and …

Screaming Nieces

Rachel HauckUncategorized 2 Comments

I’m in southern Indiana visiting my sister. I drove up from Nashville yesterday. Still not feeling “top drawer” but doing well. My sister has four children, 2 boys, 2 girls. They boys are teens and know Aunt Rachel well, but the girls are 3 and 1, and just getting to know me. Last time I saw them, they weren’t too …

Big Fat Weekend Update

Rachel HauckBluebird Cafe, friends, Nashville, shopping 5 Comments

Okay, okay, I know y’all been wondering where in the heck is Rachel? I mean, geez, is she not blogging anymore? Has she gone mad? Did her deadline bury her alive? (No, that was the last book…) Is she in Nashville with her friend Susie Warren attending a friend’s wedding? Yes! Prizes all around. And I will draw names for …

Creston Mapes isn’t a Nobody!

Rachel HauckCreston Mapes, fiction, Las Vegas, reading Leave a Comment

Everyone, please meet Creston Mapes, one of the nicest writers in the biz. His new release is “NOBODY.” The first two books, Dark Star: “Confessions of a Rock Idol” and “Full Tilt” were made up a two book series known as The RockStar Chronicles. Read below as Creston tells us about this book: The story behind NOBODY is pretty cool. …

My Sister

Rachel Hauckblogs, friends, Gumby, sisters 6 Comments

My sister is ten years younger than I am. She arrived on a March morning after years of begging my parents for help against my three brothers. The picture on the left is from June of ’75. I’m 14, wearing my Publix uniform. I’ve worked there a few weeks probably. Dig my octagon shaped glasses. Beka is four. Too cute. …


Rachel Hauckconfident in love, faithfulness, holiness 3 Comments

Holiness is a tough topic. Hard to understand. The line between our works and faith, and trusting in the work of Jesus gets blurred some times. I was listening to a book on CD this week and there was a line about “depending on your own works.” Honestly, I forget the exact wording and setting, but I burst into tears, …

Rene Gutteridge and Boo, Humbug! WIN FREE BOOK

Rachel Hauckbooks, Christian fiction, Christmas, Rene Gutteridge 8 Comments

LEAVE A COMMENT TO BE A PART OF FREE BOOK DRAWING. Please welcome author and friend, Rene Gutteridge. I met Rene online, then at a writer’s retreat last summer. She’s as charming and wonderful as you would imagine. Humble, sweet, loves her God and her family. She’s revising her popular Boo series with a Christmas installation Boo, Humbug! stirring up …

My own favorite one testimony

Rachel HauckUncategorized 2 Comments

Sunday morning I didn’t lead worship, so I sat in the congregation. I’d been struggling with a couple of issue, praying, seeking God, asking what I should do about them. I repented of attitudes I’d had – even though my struggle was balancing what I discerned about a situation without judging and being angry. We’ve all been there. As I …

Wednesday, Halloween and the day before Challenge

Rachel HauckUncategorized 3 Comments

Happy Wednesday. Just a retreat update! Went fabo. God is so good to us. He really blessed the leadership transition and we could feel the blessing of all the leaders and youth who’d gone before. Today is Halloween. We don’t celebrate, but church is having a havest fest type thing at the Mall. Should be fun. If not very sweet. …