
Rachel Haucksongs, tongue tied, worship 6 Comments

This morning while leading worship, I was supposed to sing the line “heavenly storehouses ladened with snow.” But I got tongue tied or something, fumbled the lyric and sang “heavenly whorehouses ladened with snow.” Yes, I did. Right into the mike. Nice and loud. I was so stunned for a moment I wondered, “Did I just sing whorehouse?” Then I …

Ah, Saturday

Rachel HauckACFW conference, clean house, football 1 Comment

I love Saturdays, especially in the fall. Football! So, I cleaned today and am now panicked over my notes for the continuing session for the ACFW conference. I thought I was good to go. I’ve been working on this off and on for months, but now wonder if I did it right! Had a thought while cleaning. I was mopping …

Doesn’t She Look Natural?

Rachel HauckAngela Hunt, books, fiction 1 Comment

Welcome again to my friend and author extraordinaire, Angela Hunt! Her new book, Doesn’t She Look Natural? is out now! How do you live when God asks you to bury a dream?Jennifer Graham, the no-nonsense chief of staff for a Virginia senator, quits her job after her divorce—and finds herself an unemployed single mom. Forced to live with her mother …

Renaissance of Prayer

Rachel HauckFasting, kingdom of heaven, prayer 1 Comment

I’m in a renaissance of prayer. Coming home to the truth of it’s power, necessity and purpose. I’ve gotten over the idea of perfect prayer, or tired prayer. I’ve shoved aside the notion prayer is an ethereal experience that transcends heart, mind, will, emotions. Prayer is work. It’s warfare. Matthew 11:12 says this: “And from the days of John the …

Rachel Hauckbooks, fiction, Lisa Tawn Bergren 1 Comment

Lisa Tawn Bergren is the author of 28 books, with over 1.3 million sold. She is a publishing consultant, writer, Bible study leader, mother and wife. Her hobbies include travel (mostly from an armchair), reading, watching movies, cooking and exploring with her family. Lisa’s most recent books include The Begotten, The Betrayed, God Gave Us Heaven, What Women Want and …

I Propose A Ban on Bans

Rachel HauckToo many bans 4 Comments

Can we stop with the banning craze? When and where will it end? There’s a ban on just about everything. Ban on kids playing tag at school. Ban on kids taking toy soldiers to school. Zero tolerance on “No Weapons” means not even little plastic ones connected to a two inch plastic soldier. Ban on perfume. Ban on having a …

Susan Meissner’s Days And Hours

Rachel Hauckbooks, fiction, mysteries, Susan Meissner Leave a Comment

Welcome to Susan Meissner Readers of suspense fiction will once again be enthralled with the latest entry in the compelling series featuring attorney Rachael Flynn and her continuing cast of intriguing characters. A newborn is found alive in a trash bin and a young, single mother insists her baby was abducted. While St. Paul police are skeptical, attorney Rachael Flynn’s …

Does Anyone Read This Blog?

Rachel HauckBlogging, Man on the moon 12 Comments

Ping…. Helllloooooo? Anybody out there? Oh, hey there ManOnTheMoon. Good to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog. Er, um, yeah, it’s okay you don’t comment. I understand. How’s the Moon. It looked really pretty the other night. I was driving down the road and looked up to see a low, bright, big, beautiful full moon suspended between evening …

A Day of Silence

Rachel Hauckcontemplation, prayer, Silence 5 Comments

A while ago, I decided to take a day of silence. Not speak. Shut the pie hole. Be still. Be quiet. Tony agreed to that Friday. Sort of a solem day before Fire Dweller. So, I went to McDonalds that morning and slipped the cashier a note. “Diet Coke.” She nodded, then started signing the alphabet. What? I shook my …