Today, I rest, read, pray

Rachel HauckUncategorized 5 Comments

Grandma Fausnaugh, 93, Knoxville, July 2007 **** Today is a Rachel Day. Yeah, don’t bust my chops, every day is NOT Rachel day. Today I’m resting. Reading. Praying. Not working. Though I must confess, two new story ideas are running around in my head. Saturday night we concluded our anual In The Fire conference. It’s a steady, building, encouraging conference. …

In The Fire

Rachel HauckUncategorized 1 Comment

Another In The Fire conference is over. Three great nights of worship and teaching. But let me say: we’re about exhorting and embolding. We don’t hold ITF for people to gain more of a conference, fill-me-feed-me mentality. Our heart is to encourage you in prayer, fasting, worshipping, loving God and loving others. Fun for me tonight was leading the first …

I Coulda Been A Contender

Rachel HauckUncategorized 3 Comments

Tuesday in Pigeon Forge we raced go-carts. I, naturally, ended up with THE slowest car on the lot. Pedal to the metal and I was going no where! The “dad with kid” car passed me. No matter how hard I pressed, how close I hugged the curves, I couldn’t go faster. My car struggled going up the little race track …

A lot of things

Rachel HauckICRS 1 Comment

I’m in Knoxville at my brother’s right now. My sister is here from Indiana with her kids. She’s at my Mom and Grandma’s house. I’ve had a great week since I left home last Thursday, but I’m very tired. Physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally. Yesterday we had a fun picnic and walking in creeks, then going to Pigeon Forge. That place …

Freinds, Fast and Atlanta

Rachel HauckDonald Maass, ICRS 4 Comments

Our friends Marlow and Tonya Dunham visited over the weekend. They were down to attend a class, and then spent a day and a half with us. Well, I worked some on Monday and they went to the beach, but we had a blast playing Euchre. Let’s just say when the men wen to the kitchen to scrounge for food, …

The Cure, by Athol Dickson

Rachel HauckAthol Dickson, The Cure 1 Comment

Please welcome friend and Christy Award-winning author, Athol Dickson! Imagine a medicine that cures you of your worst vice. One dose and you’re free. How much would a person pay for such a cure? How far would they go? Would they lie for it? Steal for it? Kill for it? Riley Keep, former man of God, former missionary, has been …

Rockin’ Girl Blogger Award

Rachel HauckRockin Girl Blogger Award 2 Comments

I’ve been awarded a Rockin’ Girl Blogger Award from friend, fellow author and blogger extraordinaire of girlswriteout. Colleen is an influential person in my life. The Lord sent her as a direct answer to a prayer I prayed when I went to the Houston ACFW Conference in 2003. This year, she’s been a huge source of strength, encouragement and wisdom …

Can I Really Get On Oprah

Rachel HauckOprah, Rachel Hauck 7 Comments

Let’s have a heart-to-heart. Can I, Rachel Hauck, author of several books extraordinaire, get on Oprah? Hardly. Lately, several people have declared, “Rachel, you should send your book to Oprah.” (This is not unlike every family member or friend who reads your first book and declares it a masterpiece. “I couldn’t put it down!”) I admit, every time I hear …

Welcome Maureen Lang

Rachel HauckUncategorized Leave a Comment

The Oak Leaves by Maureen Lang One writer’s take on the “book of her heart.” Maureen Lang thought she’d write about her experience with Fragile X Syndrome (a genetic form of mental retardation) “someday.” After all, having a child who requires round-the-clock care doesn’t make for the upbeat, escapist reading most romance novelists prefer to write about. Still, Lang wanted …