This summer, I’m preparing for the American Christian Fiction Writer’s annual conference. I love teaching and helping new writers…and this summer, in preparation for the conference, I’m offering a fiction editing “Conference Special” for those who are looking to spiff up their manuscripts before meeting with an editor. It’s a shortened version of my “Book Therapy” over hall – but …
Fast blog
No, no, not a blog about fasting. A quick blog. How are you all this week? I’m good, rewriting. Need to get a lot done. Surprise house guests this weekend. Sweet Caroline is coming along.
How Big Is God?
I’ve been listening and observing lately. Beloved in Christ, we’ve limited our faith to a very small God. I’m hearing worldly solutions to every possible matter. It makes me think of Paul speaking to the Romans in chapter 6. “What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase?” Rachel, you say, but I’m not …
Not So Fast
From my hubby’s brain: Just wanted to remind everyone that we’re in the middle of a national forty day season of fasting and prayer that ends with The Call Nashville on 7-7-07, so there is still plenty of time to participate. I’m excited about the focus of the fast, a call for the church to repent and return to the …
Welcome Angela Hunt!
Hi everyone, I’m thrilled to feature friend and fab author Angela Hunt today. If you know of Angela Hunt, you know you’re going to get a great read. Angie is one of the most prolific writers and readers I know. Her latest contemporary novel, THE ELEVATOR (Steeple Hill), will be available in book stores June 26! Furthermore, she has just …
On Writing Diva NashVegas – Final Thoughts
Many of the Diva NashVegas reviews have said how brave Thomas Nelson was to let me doing something edgy. What, you ask, did I do? After reviewing Aubrey’s life, I did not see her as virginal. Taking into account her spiritual compass was whacked when her parents died, and subsubquently she lost her brother by abandonment, I couldn’t see her …
On Writing Diva NashVegas, Take 2
Yesterday I blogged a behind the scenes look at writing Diva. Believe it or not, there’s more to the story. Her man, Car For some reason, I like to tackle two love interests. Don’t ask why. It’s not easy. In this case, I wanted Aubrey to have a normal man in her life. When the concept was birthed for her …
Contest Winners
Thanks to everyone who entered my Diva NashVegas conest! The winners of the Starbucks and Barnes & Noble gift certificates are Dona Watson and Lindsay. Thanks again. Rachel
On Writing Diva NashVegas
Today, I was thinking of some of the elements I tried to weave into Diva NashVegas and decided to blog them here. Whether you’ve read the book or not, maybe you’ll find it interesting. Research Since I’ve never been a country superstar, nor do I know one, I had to make up a lot of the story from my own …
Ever have one of those days?
The kind where nothing is pressing? No worries. No deadline pressure. The house doesnt’ need much tending, the kids are away. The laundry in the dryer can wait. The sun is shining bright and warm. The dog is bathed and clean, and there are still three hours left in the afternoon. In the distance is the sound of a mower, …