Return to Me by Robin Lee Hatcher

Rachel HauckAuthors, Robin Lee Hatcher 1 Comment

A lot has changed since Roxy escaped small town life to become a Nashville star. Her former boyfriend Wyatt has found Christ and plans to become a minister. Her sister Elena, who comforted Wyatt when Roxy ran away, is now his fiancee. Her father Jonathan, a successful businessman, is heartbroken over the estrangement of Roxy from the family. Now Roxy …

What Are YOU doing this September?

Rachel HauckACFW, conferences, writing 5 Comments

I’m going to the ACFW conference in Dallas! Listen, if you want to be a fiction author in the CBA market, this conference is THE conference to attend. Editors from the major and not so major Christian publishing houses will be there. Agents looking for their next new client. Authors who are more than willing to share their experiences and …

What I Learned Today

Rachel HauckUncategorized 1 Comment

One, I can do worship on Sunday morning with out David (primo guitar player) and Tony (primo keyboard player.) However, I prefer not to play without them, but I can survive. Thanks to Keith who stepped up and the rest of my faithful band. Two, today I learned it’s not about me! “What, Rachel,” you ask, “happened to give you …

Robin Lee Hatcher’s, Return To Me

Rachel HauckUncategorized Leave a Comment

RETURN TO MEby Robin Lee HatcherZondervan, June 2007 Discouraged and destitute, her dreams shattered, Roxy Burke is going home. But what lies beyond the front door? Rejection … or a brighter future? When Roxy Burke left home for Nashville, she swore she wouldn’t come back until she was a star. But it’s desperation that drives this prodigal back to her …

Garage Cleaning Means Garage Memories

Rachel HauckGarage, Writing LIfe 3 Comments

Tony and I are doing a little house cleaning, prepping for a garage sale in a few weeks. We started in… the garage. When we moved into this “fasting house” nine years ago, most of my worldly treasures were stored along one wall. (Note to self: Don’t store stuff you want to keep in garage.) Most of it is brown, …

Jane Orcutt

Rachel HauckJane Orcutt 2 Comments

Hey everyone, Author and friend Jane Orcutt lost her battle with luekemia this spring. Some friends have gathered together and created a web site for her. We are encouraging readers to visit Amazon and buy Jane’s latest book, All The Tea In China, to support her family! Jane was a lovely, kind woman and a great writer.

A Blog for Writers – A glimpse behind the scenes

Rachel HauckUncategorized Leave a Comment

Before I was published, all I wanted to be was published. There is no other goal writing wise. Other than constantly asking God for confirmation about this path of my life. I was not obsessed with being published, but I knew it was the road I wanted to take. I never agreed with authors who suggested some of us “write, …

Billy Donovan’s change of mind

Rachel HauckBacketball, Billy Donovan, Gators 3 Comments

Until now, I’ve been quiet about the Florida Gators and their recent rise to college athletic stardom with back-to-back NCAA basketball championships, preceded by a National Football Championship. The reason for my hushed-up self is obvious. They beat my beloved Buckeyes this year in both football and basketball. See previous post about this being a year of disappointment. The Buckeyes …

Fasting for an eternal purpose

Rachel HauckUncategorized 3 Comments

Today, I got way-laid. By my fasting husband. We’re joining in the fast called by “The Call” to interceed for our nation, and while we have grace, gotta tell ya, fasting is not always easy. But when I see the picture above, of a man humbled and weeping over baby shoes, representing the millions of aborted American babies, my youth …

Book signing at Wal-Mart today

Rachel Hauckbook signing, New Hampshire Weddings 3 Comments

I signed New Hampshire Weddings at my local Wal-Mart today. I had quite a few buyers, but had to do the usual – stand beside the table and pitch the book to passers by. I’m not Nora Roberts or Karen Kingsbury yet. Or Debbie Macomber. But, God has it all under control. I talked to several customers for an extended …