Home, Home at last

Rachel Hauckbook signing, Delta, flying 4 Comments

The New Hampshire Weddings book signings went really, really well. Big kudos to Wade Martin, Melody Keller and Choice Books for arranged the signings. And to Dave Murray and the Wal-Marts in North Conway and Gorham, NH. I had a great time. *** On another note… the trip home. Grr, double grrr, and grrr again. From the time I left …

Author Tracey Bateman and Defiant Heart

Rachel Hauckbooks, fiction, Historicals 6 Comments

Hi Everyone, My good friend and worship soulmate, Tracey Bateman has a book coming out the same day as Diva NashVegas! Her Avon Inspire, Defiant Heart. I got my copy already, and it looks wonderful. Tracey is a warm, thoughtful, creative writer who knows how to make the characters come alive on the page. I know Defiant Heart will touch …

Eight Random Things

Rachel HauckUncategorized 4 Comments

Eight Random Things, Only Eight(’cause there could be nine) My friend Susan Meissner tagged me this afternoon to play Eight Random Things. And now [evil laugh, wringing hands] I give you Eight Random Things and those I’ve tagged to go after me! First, the rules:1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.2. People who are tagged need to …

Has it been three days?

Rachel HauckBible, clothes, God.tv 3 Comments

I can’t believe it’s been three days since I’ve blogged. Time goes by so fast. Well, it’s official, I’m weird. I have a favorite pair of jeans that I refuse to let go of even though they are falling apart. This morning I ironed patches onto them. Yes, I did. ***Have you heard about God.tv? From their web site: Rory …

National Day of Prayer

Rachel HauckUncategorized Leave a Comment

Last night Tony and I drove up to Merrit Island with the Gary and Bonnie, Greg and Chris, our senior and children’s pastor to attend a National Day of Prayer service. There were more than thirty pastors working together to form the program, each one praying for about one to five minutes. The presence of God was manifest. “How good …

Diva NashVegas Contest

Rachel Hauckbooks, contests, Diva NashVeags 5 Comments

Check out Novel Journey this morning. I’m a guest blogger and give a behind the scenes glimpse of writing Diva NashVegas. Since Diva’s official release is next week, May 8th, I decided to run a little contest to encourage readers to hop over to Amazon and buy Diva NashVegas. It used to be Amazon sales ranking didn’t matter much to …

Elvis, Pal and Me

Rachel HauckElvis, Singing 4 Comments

Laying on the couch Sunday afternoon, flipping channels, half awake, watching PBS because our “basic are you sure you really want cable?” channels have snorible programming on weekends. PBS is showing a recent Elvis stadium concert in Memphis where old concert film of Elvis is projected on jumbotrons while the original, now-much-older musicians and singers play live on stage. Interesting. …

Randsomed Dreams & Amy Wallace

Rachel HauckUncategorized 2 Comments

Gracie Lang is being watched by a man who will stop at nothing to hide the truth from her. Having lost the only man she ever loved and thechildren who were her world, Gracie embarks on a quest to find out what reallyhappened. Then she meets Steven Kessler, a Crimes Against Children FBI agent, assigned to uncover an international plot …