While reading a writing book, I came across this quote of a quote. Anne Lamott in Bird By Bird speaking of the writing process and how writers do not create an elegant first draft. “Not one of them (her writing friends) writes elegant first drafts. All right, one of them does, but we do not like her very much. We …
Fear of the Lord
Final days before the election. I know of many who are praying and fasting. Seek the Lord what you can do. A lot is in the balance this time. I’ve heard many say, “Well, we can’t know what God has in mind this election.” No, we can’t completely, but we can look at the candidates and compare what the say …
I’m here
Writing to meet a deadline. But have a great weekend everyone!
Redistribution of Wealth
Since I left the corporate world to write full time, Tony and I had to make changes. We cut our house old income in 2/3rds when I left Harris. But we followed God’s leading and what we felt He’d called me to do. And, it was my passion. We’ve had some lean years but He has always provided. I think …
Cry out for mercy
Cry out for mercy for our nation. The more I hear of what could be in store for us – loss of so many constitutional freedoms – I fear the “change” being touted by Obama is change not from Bush (wake up, y’all) but change from the foundation our forefathers set forth. One reason? Obama’s forefathers are not ours. His …
Jesus is in the Furnace
Most of us are familiar with the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, three Jewish men in the service of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. Neb built a big idol and evil men incited him to set a decree that for 30 days at the sound of a flute every one had to bow down to worship the idol. The evil …
Jesus said, “Let Your Light Shine.”
We’re studying the Beatitudes at our down town home church. We’re there to reach out to the poor and neighboring “hoods.” Some are poor in money and spirit, some just in spirit, some just in money. But we are there because of God speaking to Tony’s heart. The Beatitudes don’t end with Matthew 5:12. Jesus continues to speak for another …
Jesus Safe Leadership
At the end of it all, I am loved by One who died for me. I can completely trust Him. Nothing is beyond His grasp, His ability, His love for me. For us. Psalm 116, “I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my supplication. He’s inclined His ear to me, and I’ll call upon Him as long …
Waking up to the hour
One of the things we pray a lot in Fire Dweller, in our own lives, is to be aware of the hour in which we live. All is not simple. All is not as it seems. Tony read two really eye opening books recently, Epicenter by Joel Rosenberg and Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg. They are at the top of …