Fly, Fly, Fly

Rachel Hauck words 1 Comment

wiz3I’ve had this image in my head for a few days now.

The wicked witch of the west standing in the window of her palace, commanding her flying monkey henchmen to capture and bring back Dorothy and her little dog.

In the movie, The Wizard of Oz, the sky is peppered with the flying monkeys off on their mission.

In my mind, I see lies, words, the constant yadda-yadda-yadda of the word peppering our airways like those monkeys.

I mean, you cannot turn around without running into a lie, or some new point of view on how to live our lives that makes us feel more condemned than empowered.

Lies in politics. Lies in health care. Lies about food and exercise. Lies about money. Lies about God and spirituality. Lies about life. Lies about.. everything!

I mean, the world is rife with it. You can hardly discern what’s truth.

I think half of us are sick in some fashion because we are buried in lies.

I’ve started to fight back. “What? No! That’s not true.”

I’m researching. Looking things up. Praying over them. Checking with my gut and the same Spirit that raise Christ from the dead who lives in me.

Jesus called Him our counselor, our teacher, our advocate.

There’s too many talk shows, news shows and people fighting and pushing to have their voice, their opinion heard for the world NOT to be birth lie upon lie.

But those voice are shallow echoes. There are so few real voices in the world today. Real men and women in search of and speaking the truth.

Think about your own words. Do you repeat what you hear? Do you speak more death than life?

“Dr. Oz said breathing in air will kill you.” So now we all have to go about holding our breath. Seriously, if Dr. Oz said such a thing, I know, I know, someone would tell me that as if it were cold, hard, fact, pure as the driven snow.

Sure, it’s an extreme example but do how often have you heard things, stated as fact, that felt almost as outrageous.

Worse, do you repeat things said to you as if they were fact? Are you spreading fear and lies or life and wellness?

I have struggled for years with a fungus on my right foot. It beats up my toenails pretty good.

I’ve tried lots of remedies. My doc knows about it. Was not concerned. From my online research, it’s a nuisance but that’s about it.

I went to a podiatrist once but he wanted me on medication that 1. my insurance company would not cover and 2. would have me doing monthly liver tests. So… that was a no go.

Anyway, a friend of mine offered a suggestion which I’ve been trying. The next time she saw me she said, “You know, that fungus can get in your blood and kill you.”

I gaped at her. She did not just say that to me. Really? One, is it even true and two, why are you speaking death to me?

James was so right, “power of life and death is in the tongue.”

We speak as if our words do not mean anything. We speak as if truth doesn’t matter. We speak to be heard because we are so hungry to exalt ourselves.

“Look what I know….”

The air is polluted with word lies and junk. And some of that pollution gets on us whether we like it or not.

So, here’s what we do: we seek truth. And that is Jesus. “I am the way, the truth and the life.”

Begin your journey of clean, well-balanced, life giving speech with seeking Jesus. Have a relationship with Him.

Next, listen more than you speak. Be patient. Seek out truth.

Desire to speak life instead of death. Repent of your own vain, empty words.

Don’t believe everything you hear. Even better, don’t speak everything you hear.

Feed your hunger to be recognized and heard by sitting at the feet of the Holy One.

The God of the universe hears you! He wants to talk to you!

Remember words do mean things. Words curse or give life.

Be a life giver with your words.

Look, it’s a journey. But it has to start somewhere, sometime. Why not now. Today.

Even with the words you speak over yourself. Speak the life of the Word!

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Comments 1

  1. Love this post.
    There is much said about it in the bible.
    My tongue has made me seek forgiveness with the words it has spewed…those especially said to my husband and kids. GUILTY.
    I am grateful for their compassion and unconditional love and attitude toward me…
    I think I will go and listen to WORDS from Hawk Nelson right now….
    That song speaks truth.
    Gail Helgeson

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