Freinds, Fast and Atlanta

Rachel HauckDonald Maass, ICRS 4 Comments

Our friends Marlow and Tonya Dunham visited over the weekend. They were down to attend a class, and then spent a day and a half with us. Well, I worked some on Monday and they went to the beach, but we had a blast playing Euchre.

Let’s just say when the men wen to the kitchen to scrounge for food, the women cheated. Sort of. We laughed so hard.

Good friends are a treasure.

Finished and turned in Sweet Caroline on Wednesday evening. I’m happy with it! Lost of good changes, and as usual, I cut lots of words. It’s the journalistic training. Write tight.

40 Day Fast
Tomorrow is the last day of the 40 day fast and The Call Nashville. Please keep The Call in prayer. Join them via Fast if you can.

Writer’s Retreat and Retail Trade Show
I’m in Atlanta for a writer’s retreat and the Christian Retail Trade Show. Today we had a workshop all day with the great Donald Maass. Wow. What a great day. So much writing wisdom and techniques.

Mostly how to look deeper, think differently about our writing. Relieved I did some things well with Sweet Caroline, cringed when I saw things I could’ve done better. One scene in particular, but we learn with each book

Susan Warren and I have been reworking her next book, PJ Sugar tonight. Fun. I was telling her to cut something and she pouted at the idea. I said, “Hey, you’re the award winning, award finalist, not me. Don’t listen to me.”

But, she’s good. She did. 😉

Tomorrow, more writing workshops and connecting with a few people.

Grace and peace.

Comments 4

  1. Oh, I want to see Marlow and Tonya! I think the thing I hate most about not living in Melbourne is that when cool people visit, I’m not there.
    I went to The Call and is was awesome! They’ll be in Orlando around February and then the big one will be in DC on the Mall next summer.
    I hope Atlanta was wonderful!

  2. Through your posts, I am vicariously in Atlanta at ICRS. Keep the posts coming. Love these tidbits. Sounds like you’re having a good time. May the Lord bless and guide you while there.

  3. Yoohoo, Rachel. Where a-r-r-r-r-r-r-e you? Walking the aisles and plotting novels, probably! Give us some more ICRS tidbits. Who’d you see? What’s going on? (Your take.) Even into next week or more, keep the tidbits coming. God bless YOU, Rachel. May He guide your steps.

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