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Rachel Hauckbook signing, Delta, flying 4 Comments

The New Hampshire Weddings book signings went really, really well.

Big kudos to Wade Martin, Melody Keller and Choice Books for arranged the signings. And to Dave Murray and the Wal-Marts in North Conway and Gorham, NH.

I had a great time.


On another note… the trip home. Grr, double grrr, and grrr again.

From the time I left Wal-Mart yesterday and drove to Portland to catch my flight, it took me 24 hours to get home.

24 hours!

You don’t want to know… and to be honest, I can’t bear to relive it. Let’s just say, our country has lost it’s mind in the real of security. The innocent are guilty. The guilty are innocent. No, I did not go to jail or anything. Please.

Delta is not the “friendly sky” airline any more.

Atlanta is the worst airport in the history of airports.

Comments 4

  1. Glad the book signing went well. I forgot to ask about it when you were venting about your flight issues. 24 hours??…. you could have drove home!

  2. I have two air travel horror stories and one of them involved Delta and sleeping in the Atlanta airport. So sorry Delta and Atlanta were unkind to you as well! 🙁
    But I’m glad the NH part of the trip went well!!

  3. EEK! I’m not a big fan of flying, so I can only imagine what you went through. Hope you had something good to read–it’s the only way to make things bearable!

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