My Dog Sees Angels

Rachel HauckUncategorized 15 Comments

Call me weird, but I think my dog sees angels. Really. Like today. He comes into my office and immediately scoots around behind my chair like he’s hiding from something.

He cowers in the corner, then tries to climb in my lap. The whole time, his eyes are darting back and forth. And if possible, he has a weird look on his Beagle face.

I hold him in my lap for a few minutes, but when I try to put him down, he doesn’t want to go and winds up crawling under my desk.

I’m telling you, he sees angels. Or devils. But the devils can’t stay. Not on my watch.

Isn’t that strange. I have a seeing eye dog.

Hey, if when I’m writing, angels can hang around all day long. I could use the help.

Comments 15

  1. We have a mixed breed….mostly border collie, and I KNOW she can see angels. I agree that sounds weird but about 5 years our dog went outside in the morning and became all nervous…looking up into the trees, like she was looking at something. She ran into the house with her tail between her legs. I came home for lunch and she would not go outside. I finally dragged her out and she reluctantly went potty. I got home at the end of the day and she was still acting weird. That night we were laying in bed and our dog was again darting her eyes at the ceiling. I said to my wife that it’s like she looking at a ghost. She finally went to sleep. At 4 in the morning the phone rang. It was our neighbor and she was hysterical. She just found her husband dead in the basement. Our dog loved this man. The next day, our dog sat by the fence and stared at the door her normally came out of…as if expecting him to emerge at any time. Our dog never did this eye darting thing again until a week ago. I kept thinking who is going to die now. So far so good.

    1. I googled can dog see angels because our puppy starts barking for no reason in the apartment we lived in and now in our house . It’s always a corner! She stares and barks very loudly like someone else is in the house . Since I am very spiritual and have a relationship with Christ ; I believe she sees our guardian angel ! When you are living in obedience to Christ ; he protects you ! And I see angel numbers like 555, 111, 444, 222, 777
      227 , 531 , 1029, 849 , 347 …. etc.. yep I think 🤔 the dog definitely see our guardian angel who is assigned to protect my family ! God is real and he is incredibly Awesome!!! Be blessed! 😀😀😀

  2. my dog is old and near her time, she is seeing angels i have caught some flashing past while recording on my phone , the difference in a dog seeing angels or demons is how they act my faith hound dose not act afraid just amazed because dogs can see stuff we can not see but they also have very strong senses if its good or bad, if its bad they will bark or growl or act afraid , but if its angels they will just watch as if following it with there eyes ect my dog plays with them wagging her tail and seems to be listening to them i feel that my sweet faith hound who is 16/1/2 is getting ready to go on to her glory so the presence of angels is the lords way to prepare her and myself for this coming transmission i praise GOD FOR THAT

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  3. I know this post is older but when I searched for dogs seeing angels, it came up. We have 3 dogs, 2 pit bulls & a blackmouth cur. Now our white pit bull named Laci is 8 years old & since we got her at 4 months old we noticed unusual beheaviors with her and have come to the conclusion that she sees angels.
    She is a nervous dog & is easily frightened by every day thing like dollies, brooms, vacuums etc. but since she has been young she would look at walls, corners of the room get very excited, wiggle and wag her tail. We thought this was quite odd because she had always been quite calm, reserved and even stoic. Over time I have come to realize that she is seeing angels.
    I recently started a new bible study program that covers a couple of hours at night. I always talk to my dogs and when study time comes up, I always say okay girls, it’s time to study about Jesus! Over the past month, every time I say that, Laci starts getting all excited and wiggly & she kept looking at a specific place in the room. I thought it was a curious thing, but now I’m thinking that she actually sees him. I have tested the theory many different times throughout the day by simply saying the name Jesus. Every time I do I get the same response. She gets all excited, wiggles and looks up to the ceiling until she finds what she is looking for and continues to be very happy.
    It has really amazed me & also offers a kind of assurance that he is with me because Laci can see him. Some people may doubt what I am seeing, but has happened so frequently that I am certain.

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      I love this! I believe your sweet Laci is seeing Him. Or a light. Or angles. Oh to see beyond the veil. 😉 We had a cat who came into the center of the room every time we had a prayer meeting. How many cats do you know who walk into a large circle of people and just lay down, belly partially exposed? Not many. And not our cat for sure! 🙂 He rested in the peace.

  4. Yeah, animals can see entities that we cannot see. The Bible also confirms that.

    Numbers 22:23
    And the donkey saw the angel of the LORD standing in the road, with a drawn sword in his hand. And the donkey turned aside out of the road and went into the field. And Balaam struck the donkey, to turn her into the road.

    Balaam was a prophet. During that time, the prophet can’t see the angel yet but the donkey can. Until the angel decided to show himself to the prophet as well. I also experienced what you had experienced. When I was carrying two (2) five-gallon-water containers on my way home, the way was muddy and somehow slippery. I prayed that GOD may help me on carrying those containers because they are heavy, but I said to my self, maybe that is too much to ask from GOD. Suddenly, our dog saw me arriving and he was furious and was barking at me. At first, I thought someone was behind me, so I looked behind and there was no one but me. I was surprised that our dog was barking at me because it is impossible that he did not recognize me. His scent was still on me as I was rubbing his tummy before I left the house, and it only took me 15 mins to get back. When our dog was almost 10 feet away from me, I noticed that his eyes were fixed above my head, he was not looking at me but something above my head. It seems to me that GOD heard my prayer, HE did not go there to do the job but HE sent an angel to help me with the containers that I was carrying.

  5. yes, dogs can actually see angels, however, in my house i am not allowed to have dogs in the house because as cute as they can be, angels are scared of dogs and if they know that theres a dog inside the house, they will refuse to enter the house.

  6. Literally I just looked up “do dogs cry when they see angels?” Because right before my dog just started whining for no reason and then just started nonstop licking my face. I am super spiritual and have a very powerful connection with my angels and spirit guides. I asked for a sign earlier today because I’m going through a very hard time in my life, and wow did I just get one. She has always seen things. Wow… it’s unreal. I am very relieved. Isn’t it crazy the connection that we have with our dogs!!

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  7. I adopted my Humphrey, a Boston terrier, in May of 2020. I first noticed his eyes jetting from one corner of the room to another in the home I had in Central Wisconsin. Now, we live in an apartment in South Carolina and he has done the same here. It usually happens in the bedroom and his eyes almost always jet toward the corners of the room, behind or beside me. Also, his eyes seem like they are looking upward. The instances, so far, have been about a handful of times. Maybe more. He is a gentle, skittish dog. Almost afraid of anyone, but me.

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