Gracie Lang is being watched by a man who will stop at nothing to hide the truth from her. Having lost the only man she ever loved and thechildren who were her world, Gracie embarks on a quest to find out what reallyhappened.
Steven awakens more than memories; he revives the possibility of a life Gracie desires. A life where healing and peace crowd out the nightmares. But his case and her past are dangerously connected. Suddenly, Gracie must decide if she’s able – let alone willing – to pay the required ransom to redeem dreams and restore hope.
Meet Amy...

Going deeper, I’m married to an awesome, incredibly good-looking, and God-honoring man. Together we homeschool three amazing daughters. Some of my favorite moments are the ones I spend laughing, reading, and being goofy with my family. In my spare time, I love writing stories, teaching teenagers, scrapbooking, playing basketball, and taking walks with my family.
The beach is my all-time favorite place to be.
Chocolate is my favorite food. I collect teddy bears, tons of books, and dust on my furniture. But getting to the heart of who I am can be summed up in a few short words.
I’m a daughter of the King learning to live and love with laughter. My greatest passion in life is to know God and show others how He heals hearts and how to they can glorify God by enjoying Him forever.
That’s why I write, teach, kiss my kiddos, watch sunsets, and keep trying again when I fail. My prayer is that you too will find your passion and live fully the story God has placed you in.
Rachel here:
I first met Amy at an ACFW Conference, Houston, I think? Anyway, some time ago. A couple of us worked on a chick lit anthology together that was well rejected. Amy is a woman zealous for God and her family. She’s great fun to hang out with and I know this book will touch the hearts of many!
Comments 2
Thanks so much for giving me a shout out about Ransomed Dreams and for your very kind words!
I’ve seen this book online…can’t remember where. It intrigued me though, and I find it kinda funny that I’m running across it again. Think maybe it’s a sign? Do you think my husband would agree? LOL!