A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Sixty…

Rachel Hauck Lifestyle 1 Comment

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Sixty…

(Reposted from my Stay Inspired newsletter from 2020)

I got wiser. Smarter. Well, some anyway.

Since we’re all #alonetogether or observing #shelterinplace during this COVID-19 outbreak, I thought I’d share some things I’ve learned as I’ve aged.

The most amazing and astounding thing is that I have, in fact, aged. What they hey? I was only 30 a few years ago and now I’m pressing 60??

This “time flies” thing is no joke!

Anyway, here are a few things I’ve learned, come to grips with, or finally realized with each passing year.

Sorry to any men on the loop, I finally learned to buy a bra that fits. I don’t care about the name brand or the cost, it has to fit. And look good. By look good, I mean make ME look good. I don’t care about color, lace or any other fancy-scmancy stuff, I want something that provides support! If I could speak to my younger self I’d say, “One less pair of cheap shoes please. Buy a decent bra. And stop throwing them in the dryer!

Same “light bulb moment” for bathing suits. I was going through old pictures the other day and some of my one piece bathing suit choices were horrendous! Usually we buy cheap with bathing suits and it shows. I’ve finally learned to shell out the money to buy a nice, quality bathing suit that fits. That supports. That covers up.

Speaking of shoes… I learned the pit falls of cheap shoes. Wal-Mart is good for some things but not shoes. Cheap shoes make my feet stink. Cheap shoes fall apart. I guess cheap is okay if you’re going on a camping trip or if you’re on vacation and you forgot something. But good shoes can make or break an outfit. Good shoes can make or break your feet. I have a pair of Freebirds by Steven that “clank” when I walk. The Clint Eastwood kind of clank. When I hear that sound, I own the world. Those shoes were worth every penny!

Sleep! The older I get the more sleep becomes important. Lack thereof affects my mood, my energy level. I stopped going to bed before ten o’clock in high school but now-a-days, I’m gazing longingly toward my bed by nine!

Breakfast is my favorite meal. For decades I never ate breakfast and never imagined it would be my go-to meal. Now I can’t function without it. I’ll forgo dinner to have  my breakfast. My husband and I started a tradition after our morning workouts. We go to the gym, work out—only so we can eat—then head to a Mom and Pop diner. It’s my treasured reading time. This has become such a tradition I feel out of sorts not being able to go during this virus shutdown season.

Rachel Hauck

“So what?” really applies sometimes. Freaking out never works. Remember all the things you freaked out over as a teen or twenty something? Or maybe yesterday as a fifty year old? Ha! Freaking out never helps anyone or changes anything. Only your blood pressure.All the fears and anxieties of my past have literally turned out to be nothing. No impact. No affect.

Things I just “had to have” didn’t add up. I’ve learned to embrace change, even disappointment with a bit more of the “So what?” attitude. Not that I don’t care but more that I don’t get bent over it. I’m not perfect in this but I’m better. Even if I’m not, so what?

God is good. Since I was raised in a Christian home I’ve always known the goodness of God. (Thanks Mom and Dad!) But through the decades, I’ve experienced it for myself. I’ve learned that God loves me, even likes me. He provides for me. Talks to me. I’ve experienced the power of prayer, of His Word. It works! I’ve seen how taking thoughts captive transformed my life. To be honest, it took the journey through my 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s to grow in this understanding so I guess it was worth it. Yep, it was worth it.

Cooking at home is better than eating out. Never in my wildest dreams would I thought eating at home would trump eating out, especially after a long work day. But somewhere along the way I thought, “Why are we spending all this money at a restaurant?” (Let the reader beware: this does not apply to my valued breakfast diner!) First, if a girl is trying to lose weight, too much dining out completely trashes that goal.

There are too many temptations! If you’re successful at all, you order a salad for $12.99 which consists of a bowl of lettuce, three tomato squares, and carrot shavings. Second, restaurants are cold. I get so chilled I can’t enjoy the experience. So I brought dining home the last decade. I’m not much of a chef but I can hold my own. The food is delicious and above all, edible. (I think the earth just quaked.)

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Every once in awhile you have to “go to ground.” By that I mean, you have to “go home.” Whether in your mind or body, you visit treasured memories. Touch base with your roots. Last summer the Hubster and I were in Indiana for his high school reunion. While I never touched Indiana soil until I was in my 20s, it reminds me of Ohio. And the Buckeye state is where my long-lived Florida roots reach. I may be a Sunshine State girl now, but to “touch base,” to “go home,” I need the midwest sky, wind and fragrance. I spent several afternoons during our Indy visit just sitting on my sister-in-laws lawn and breathing.

You can lose weight at any age! I’ve carried the odd 20 extra pounds most of my post 20s life. Can 20 be a synonym for 60? No? Then never mind. In my 30s I got sloppy. Ate too much, moved too little. I lost most of the extra 60 in my early 40s but still struggled to lose all that I wanted and needed. Not sure why there was a hitch in my weight loss giddy-up but I’d get to a certain point and just quit.

As I rounded the bases to late 50s, I realized I’d spent far too long over the weight-gain rainbow. Time to take things in hand. It was a journey birthed in prayer that ended with a picture on Facebook that sent me over the edge. “Do I really look like this?” I shoved a poorly printed imagine in my husband’s face. He was kind, gracious and honest. “You’re leaning forward some so it’s hard to tell but—” I joined WW that day and never looked back.

Rumor has it older women struggle to lose weight.Our metabolism is too slows. However, you can lose weight at any age if you put your mind to it. Sure, take health issues into consideration. Talk with your doctor. But if you’re mindful, you will lose weight. Shoot, my 81 year old Mama lost 30 pounds in 7 months. Give or take. Be patient, be consistent and give your weight loss plans a good solid chance. Pray. Move. You’ll see results.

I’ve gone on long enough. Thinking of you all as we flatten the curve together! Remember, flatten the curve, not yourself! 😉 Be blessed.

Comments 1

  1. Amen, Rachel! Thank you so much! I will be 69 next week and agree with what you have said. I started buying better shoes, boots, bras. I continue to work on my weight.
    You are a true blessing!

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