Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #18

Rachel HauckScavenger Hunt 52 Comments

Rachel Hauck

Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues at all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes!

  • The hunt BEGINS on 11/7 at noon MST with Stop #1 at
  • Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
  • There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 11/10 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.
  • Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at the final stop, back on Lisa’s site. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!

Shall we get started?

Rachel HauckIn case you’ve never been to my site before, welcome! My name’s Rachel Hauck, a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. But who’s really tracking, right?

I love a great story with a touch of romance, drama, humor and a hint of elegance. I started out writing romance and chick lit back in ’04. Then penned a 3 book women’s fiction series with country singer Sara Evans. After that it was split time novels—stories with an historical and contemporary timeline—followed by a royal romance series before going back to split time. Such great fun! I was honing my author chops!

Romance and devotion, humor and drama play a roll in all the stories. Whether they have any elegance is for you to decide. You can learn more about me and all my books here on my site and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


The Wedding Dress Christmas by Rachel HauckMy newest release is a contemporary romance—THE WEDDING DRESS CHRISTMAS.

December comes to quaint Hearts Bend, Tennessee, with a blanket of white and the glitter of Christmas lights.

For JoJo Castle there is no place like home. Her onetime love of adventure ended when her life in the big city came crashing down. Now that she’s home, she never wants to leave again.

Country music sensation Buck Mathews has charmed the world with his smile and his music. However, news of his mother’s illness brought him home to Hearts Bend for the holiday season.

Working with her cousin Haley in The Wedding Shop, JoJo has no aspirations of love. But when her high school crush returns to town, her buried feelings surface.

Busy with his career, Buck hasn’t had time for family and friends, much less love. Seeing JoJo in The Wedding Shop reminds him there are things more important than his career.

But JoJo and Buck have opposing life goals, and there’s no middle ground. Can love, especially the kind that touches hearts at Christmas, overcome her fears and his quest for greatness?

With the help of a very special wedding dress, there just might be a Christmas miracle.


A Few of My Favorite Things

In honor of my new Christmas novella, I thought I’d reminisce about a few books I received as Christmas gifts. In December, I’ll be talking about the inspiration behind The Wedding Dress Christmas in Debbie Macomber’s “Welcome Home” magazine.


The Little House Box Set. One year I went snooping for Christmas presents, which was not my norm, and stumbled upon the entire collection of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books. I couldn’t wait to open that gift on Christmas morning! I’ve read the series at least a dozen times.


Rachel HauckThe Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson. My paternal grandmother gave me a signed hardback copy of this hilarious story of the rough Herdman kids becoming the principal players in the church Christmas play. I adored that book. Such a treasure. However, it was lost or damaged as my parents made several moves while I was in college. I’m still a little sad about the loss of that book.


True Blue. I’m guessing on the name of this book. It was a YA about a girl who couldn’t wait to go to Valley High. (Or whatever the name.) She and her best friend had been dreaming of it forever. But over the summer, a new school opened and our heroine was rezoned to the other school. It was a crushing but sweet story about overcoming obstacles and making new friends. I wish I could find it, but my searches have netted nothing.


The Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg. While I didn’t receive this book as a Christmas present, it is one of my all-time favorite Christmas reads. This quirky novel paints such a rich picture of the holidays in the south and yard full of – you guessed it – redbirds. It captured my heart.


There are many more “titleless” and “coverless” books I received under the tree that are long gone. Yet I remember how much I treasured a good book as a Christmas gift. My older brother liked games, but me? I preferred a book over a game any day.


Rachel HauckWhen I had a chance to write my own Christmas book, I was thrilled. A Royal Christmas Wedding released in 2016 as an exciting, holiday-kissed conclusion to The Royal Wedding Series.


Then this summer I penned The Wedding Dress Christmas. This sweet novella is set in fictional Hearts Bend, Tennessee, where we last saw “the wedding dress” at The Wedding Shop. Yes, I was listening to Bing Crosby in July! 


For me, a Christmas story has to be about hope, redemption, family, friends, a bit of snow outside, and warm fires inside.


Even though I live in the south, where snow is almost an impossibility for the holidays, I focus on hope and redemption, which are the core meaning of Christmas, as well as friends, family and a bit of hot chocolate.


Happy Holidays, everyone!


Here’s the Stop #18 Skinny:

If you’re interested, you can order The Wedding Dress Christmas on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Apple Books! E and print versions are available!

You need your clue too!! Here it is! Write it down: to plunge

Next Stop, #19, is the fabulous Ronie Kendig! Click HERE to keep your hunt going! 

Remember to circle back around to Lisa Bergren’s site to finish your hunt!


LUCKY WINNERS!! Before you go, I’m offering two books, Once Upon A Prince and A Royal Christmas Wedding, and The Wedding Dress Christmas ornament to three entrants. All you have to do is sign up to get my e-newsletter via the Rafflecopter form below. If you’re already subscribed, you can still enter. Additional points to those who follow me as an author on Goodreads or on Instagram! (USA only)


NOTE: The Rafflecopter entry closed. But add your name in a comment and I’ll add you to the drawing until the Scavenger Hunt is over! Thanks!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Comments 52

  1. I have read many of your books, and loved them all! Looking forward to reading your newest book soon!! Thank you for so many wonderful hours of reading pleasure!!

    Rowena Winfrey

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  2. So many good books to read of yours! I can’t wait to read The Wedding Dress Christmas! I don’t know a couple of the Christmas books you mentioned. And I think I need my own set of Little House books.

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  3. I receive your newsletter and follow you via Goodreads. I can’t wait to read a book by you because a lot of my reader friends Dave about your writing 🙂

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  4. I have read all of your books and loved every one of them. I especially loved The Wedding Dress Christmas! I can’t wait till you release your next book…soon, I hope! 🙂

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  5. Thank you for the opportunity. I’m already a subscriber, stalk you on Instagram, Goodreads, and every other social media platform.

  6. When I was in high school, we performed The Best Christmas Pageant Ever! I have always loved that book too. I also have a set of my own Little House books. I have passed it down to my daughter and we have read them all together. Thanks for offering the giveaway. It’s fun to get to know authors this way too.

  7. hi, would the book your looking for, the one you called “true blue” be by Francine Pascal?
    nice coming to your site! going to find your books!

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      Jess, I’ll check. That would be wonderful to find it again! Who knows, I may have the title and story confused with another book I read. It was a long time ago. Rachel

  8. So…just curious…your giveaway entry thing says it’s not accepting entries anymore, that the time is up…but according to Lisa Bergren’s page, the scavenger hunt still has 21 hours left.
    Anyway, I’ve received so many good books as gifts, it’s hard to know where to start. One that sticks in my memory, though, was a Childhood of Famous Americans book, I think it was Clara Barton or Helen Keller, around the age of 9, that really started my love of biographies.

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