Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #29

Rachel Hauck Scavenger Hunt 16 Comments

And the winners of the hunt are….. (drum roll!)

Books & Amazon Gift Card:

Tayler Carlisle
Laura Merchant
Prize winners 4&5 (Amazon GC):
Amber Thiessen (Canadian)
Melanie Harris

Winners of The Fifth Avenue Story Society:

Mercy Chesebro
Andrea Carroll
Glenda Alexander


Rachel HauckWelcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes!

You’re at Stop #29. Glad you made it. In case you didn’t read the down low on the other 28 sites, check out the bullet points below!

• The hunt BEGINS on 3/12 at noon MST with Stop #1 at (Once we’re live, please make this a hyperlink directly to my first stop, to make it easy-peasey for people to jump in!)
• Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
• There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 3/15 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.
• Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at the final stop, back on Lisa’s site. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!



Rachel HauckHey! Thanks for stopping by and joining us on the hunt. You’re almost there.

I’m Rachel Hauck, a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. But who’s really tracking, right?

I love a great story with a touch of romance, drama, humor and a hint of elegance. I started out my publishing journey with romance and chick lit back in ’04.

Then penned a 3 book women’s fiction series with country singer Sara Evans. After that it was split time novels—stories with an historical and contemporary timeline—followed by a royal romance series before going back to split time.

Such great fun! I was honing my author chops!

Romance and devotion, humor and drama play a roll in all the stories. Whether they have any elegance is for you to decide. You can learn more about me and all my books right here as well as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. But keep reading to check out my latest book and hear about the YESES in my life.


Rachel HauckAn invitation to join The Fifth Avenue Story Society gives five New York strangers a chance to rewrite their own stories.

Executive assistant Lexa is eager for a much-deserved promotion, but her boss is determined to keep her underemployed.

Literature professor Jett is dealing with a broken heart, as well as a nagging suspicion his literary idol, Gordon Phipps Roth, might be a fraud.

Uber driver Chuck just wants a second chance with his kids.

Aging widower Ed is eager to write the true story of his incredible marriage.

Coral, queen of the cosmetics industry, has broken her engagement and is on the verge of losing her great grandmother’s multimillion-dollar empire.

When all five New Yorkers receive an anonymous, mysterious invitation to the Fifth Avenue Story Society, they suspect they’re victims of a practical joke. No one knows who sent the invitations or why. No one has heard of the literary society. And no one is prepared to reveal their deepest secrets to a roomful of strangers.

Yet curiosity and loneliness bring them back week after week to the old library. And it’s there they discover the stories of their hearts, and the kind of friendship and love that heals their souls.


Saying Yes To An Invitation Could Change Your Life

Rachel HauckThinking about the characters in The Fifth Avenue Story Society and the life changing journey they embarked upon, I wondered about the times I said “Yes” to an invitation that changed my life.

Perhaps one that raised more questions than answers. Or awakened more trepidation than confidence. An invitation that called me to take a leap of faith without being sure of the outcome.

Here are a few of those yeses.

My roommate asked me to sing a duet at her wedding. Me? Sing in public? Yikes! But I loved her so I agreed. That simple yes led to a worship team invitation. Eventually I became a worship leader and for the past fourteen years, I’ve been the main leader.

When my husband proposed—by a retention pond, the traditional proposal place—I said yes. After twenty-eight years, it was the best yes I ever said.

A woman at church asked me to speak at a homeschool graduation. Speak? That’s worse than singing! I’d been an instructor for my corporate job, and had done scripted stage demonstrations at trade shows, but a speech? Yea, no. But the yes inside me wanted out. More than two decades later, speaking engagements are one of my favorite things!

In ’07, I was published but not burning up the sales charts. There was a possibility my publisher would not keep me around for the life of my contract. On a chance lunch meeting with my editor, she offered me an opportunity to write with country music artist Sara Evans?

I’d never written for or with someone else. It was hard enough writing for myself. But I knew I had to say yes! Writing with Sara lead to another personal contract which produced my New York Times bestseller, The Wedding Dress.

I’m sure there are a thousand of other little yeses that have changed my life. Ones that have led to friendships, opportunities, God encounters, laughter, tears, sports injuries, raises and promotions, stories and other ideas.

But I’ve said yes to things that cost me too. Things I should’ve rejected but the stupid in me wanted to take a chance. Certain boyfriends come to mind. Or the purchase of a big purple stuffed dog I saw at the Dade County Youth Fair when I was fifteen and just had to have.

But oh the beauty of taking a chance. Of the yes that produces fruit. I wonder what new opportunity I’ll say yes to next!

What about you? What are some of your amazing yeses?


Here’s the Stop #29 Basics:
If you’re interested, you can order The Fifth Avenue Story Society on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD or at your local bookstore! Be sure to add Fifth Avenue to your Goodreads bookshelf! Also, follow me on Book Bub!

Here’s you clue for stop #29: new read!

Now you’re ready to go to Lisa Bergren and Stop #30 to finish the hunt! Good luck! 



I’m offering a copy of The Fifth Avenue Story Society to three entrants*. All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Either sign up for my newsletter or follow me on Instagram. Woot, woot! If you’re already a newsletter subscriber and don’t hang out with all the cool kids on Insta, then follow  me on Book Bub or Goodreads. (See links above.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Winners must reside in the continental United States.

Comments 16

  1. Rachel,
    I was going through the Scavenger Hunt and found your website. I was wondering if you would be willing to do a blog interview with me on your writing?

    My interviews range from authors who write children’s books to adult suspense. The only genres I don’t cover are horror and erotica. I have interviewed first-time authors to NY Times bestsellers. My interview style is meant to be informative and focus on helping others improve their writing by learning from other published authors.

    Here’s a link to my blog to get an idea of the types of interviews and the questions I ask.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon.


    1. Post
  2. I can easily think of a variety of things I’ve said “yes” to which should’ve been absolute “no’s”! I guess it’s how we learn, sometimes the hard way!

  3. I just finished The Fifth Avenue Story Society today and LOVED it! Since I already have a copy, I’m going to refrain from entering to win one so someone else who doesn’t have a copy can win it. I do share my books with several reading friends.

  4. One of my best “yeses” was the decision to apply for my current job–the job is a perfect fit for me, and me for it. I have amazing co-workers who make it a joy to go to work each day. I follow you on Goodreads and Bookbub, but I do not have Instagram. I loved your Wedding Dress series–just beautiful!

  5. Hi Rachel! I’m a newsletter subscriber but don’t do Instagram. I also follow on both Bookbub and Goodreads but the Rafflecopter form won’t allow me to enter that information. Because it looks like you have to do both newsletter and Instagram options before it allows the form to open up so you can click those extra entries. I hope letting you know will count for the extra points?

    Thank you for the extra giveaway and participating in the hunt!


  6. Always love reading your posts! So thankful you said “YES” to all the above! Thanks for participating in the Scavenger Hunt!

  7. Already following you everywhere because you’re fantastic! I couldn’t enter the contest, but thanks for being part of the scavenger hunt, and for all the little yeses along the way!

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