Diva NashVegas give away and a great new music home page

Rachel HauckCCM Magazine, Gone Country Magazine 2 Comments

CCM Magazine has come up with a great new cyber hang out: ChristianMusicPlanet.com.

They are giving away copies of Diva NashVegas. Stop over there to win! And check out music news from your favorite Christian artists.

Novelreviews, a top review site, says, “Diva NashVegas is a well-written dual first person point of view novel that made me laugh, tear up, and speed read. Hauck writes tight prose and great characters.”

ChristianMusicPlanet.com is THE place to go for the best in Christian music information on the Internet.

Gone Country Magazine!

Also, Jeffrey over at GoneCountryMagazine.com reviewed Lost In NashVegas. If you like country music, too, check them out! Hit refresh if you don’t see the review.

Grace, grace, grace!

Comments 2

  1. Great review!! Yesterday when we were taking you said something and the way you said reminded me of a movie scene but I couldn’t think of what it was…. well it was Ruth Bailey at the train scene when she told George “… but a good future, ya know” You sounded just like her and it drove me nuts all afternoon trying to think of what you reminded me of,,,

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