Happy 19th Anniversary to my Hubby!

Rachel Hauckanniversary, God is good, Joy, Love, march 21, marriage, peace 11 Comments

Hubby and I married 19 years ago today after four years of friendship-oddship.

When we met, we were 27. Ready to settle down, tired of the Christian AND non Christian dating scene.

I travelled around the country and world training newspaper editors and reporters, and classified advertising reps how to use my company’s computers for daily production.

He was the youth and singles pastor, full time staff at the church I’d recently started to attend.

He’d been a Christian for about 4 years. I’d been following Jesus for 20! With a brief time out for college shenanigans.

When I moved to Melbourne, FL, I wanted nothing but to pay off school loans and get 100% in love with Jesus. I prayed a prayer that changed my life, set me on a difficult but glorious journey. I know that I know He is Lord.

Hubby was working out his young salvation with fear, trembling and wisdom. When we met, we actually intimidated each other a bit. He was a pastor who heard God. I was the daughter of a pastor, long time saved, and could also hear God.

Our initial attraction was interesting. He was more interested in me. I was dubious. He had a beard. Yet, I was interested. Then God flipped the tables on us. Literally.

He spoke to me one Sunday afternoon. “He’s your husband.” ARG! There’s no way I wanted to “hear” the cute single singles pastor was my husband. Just line me up with the looney ladies.

But the Lord spoke to me over and over. Confirmed it in many ways.

Meanwhile… He told Husband. “Be her friend.” Or “You’re just going to be friends.” Either way, a budding romance went kapoot, fast.

He thought we were only to be friends. I kept feeling, hearing, wondering if we weren’t going to be married!

We confessed our thoughts. But we respected each other enough to wonder who was really hearing. Or what kind of creative answer God was going to give us.

Hubby would say, “We think it has to be A or B, but I bet God has a C answer somewhere.”

Really? Like what? I never doubt God’s ability to go outside our human boxes, but I couldn’t see an alternative to “You’re going to marry him.” I mean, either we were going to get married or not!

What? In fifty years after his first wife dies? I mean, what other answers were there?

Interesting, hubby’s initial attraction to me “romantically” vanished when the Lord told him we were to be friends.

So, that’s all we were for three years.Friends. Best friends.

Then through a series of events, very colorful and interesting events, hubby began to ask the Lord if I was the one he was going to marry. All the while, he still had no feelings for me other than friendship.

More interesting and fun events transpired and one day, on a day God spoke to Hubby four months in advance, he saw me walking across a parking lot and all the feelings he needed to fall in love exploded in his heart.

Whoa! For me, I had to ask, “Who is this man?” Wow!

Friend to lover in 0 – 60 seconds.

We were married six months later. Today. March 21, 1992.

I am so very blessed and honored to be his wife, to know, respect and love this man, to serve him and the Lord’s people with him. He’s my friend, my confidant, my cheerleader and supporter.

When I graduated from college, I prayed, “Lord, I don’t know what to do with my life. I know I’ll only be satisfied and content if I’m doing what you want. I know I’ll pick the wrong man to marry. I don’t know who to pick. Only You know. Choose for me.”

God is so good! God does good things for those who love Him. Not always are they simple or easy things. My journey through fear and anxiety was horrendous, but oh, the love of the Lord carried me through. I know Him in a way I’d never have known without those scary times.

Yay God! Thank you for my husband! Thank you for 19 great years. So peaceful and easy.


Comments 11

  1. CONGRATS my dear friend. May God bless you with many more years! Thanks for sharing your story – it’s a joy to remember and let yourself fall in love again with your own love story. I am glad you let us fall in love with it, too.
    Bless you!

  2. I know this story. I was sitting in the back of the church 19 yrs ago today. I was 11, but even I knew about the Tony/Rachel saga! 🙂
    But reading it again now, it makes me think and wonder again at how God works. And makes me go “hmmmm” as well.
    Love you both!

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