Just As I Am. Without One Plea

Rachel Hauck Rachel Hauck 6 Comments

JustAsIAmYesterday I pulled a couple of old church songs. Holy, Holy, Holy and Just As I Am.

I was a bit surprised to hear the younger members of the worship team had never heard Just As I Am.

Which means they’ve never heard or seen a Billy Graham Crusade. One of the 20th Century’s greatest preachers lost to this generation.

But wow, they have something we didn’t have in the Billy Graham years.

Music! Amazing, amazing music.

We had Amy Grant, Evie and Honeytree in the ’70s.

Now we have Bethel, Jesus Culture, Misty Edwards, Chris Tomlin, Martin Smith. Matt Redman, Rend Collective, Third Day, Hillsong, and a slew of individual artists.

In my younger days if a girl wanted to read a romance, she had to read whatever Harlequin produced. Even their “sweet” romances were a bit racy.

Now, young women can read Robin Jones Gun, Melody Carlson, Tricia Goyer, Denise Hunter, Susan May Warren, Beth K. Vogt, Melissa Tagg, Becky Wade, Tamera Alexander, Robin Lee Hatcher, and Yours Truly, to name but a few!

Books and music with a Christian world view has become the “Billy Graham” of our day.

But yet, we still need the preachers, the teachers, apostles and prophets and evangelists to lead the church. To teach us how to be saved, how to be followers of the Christ.

When I was a kid, my dad went to ORU. We used to go to the tent meetings and invariable the altar call came along with everyone singing Just As I Am.

I can still see people hurrying down the aisles to give their lives to Jesus.

I sat in my chair, five or six years old, trying not to cry.

Even as a girl, worship music touched my heart in a way words never did.

Yet, it wasn’t until November of 1967 that a Sunday school teacher presented the Gospel of Jesus Christ to me in a way that I understood — I was a sinner. I needed Jesus in my heart.

I have a mental picture in my mind, walking up the stairs at Centenary United Methodist Church, thinking, “I need to get Jesus in my heart.”

I asked my Mom that afternoon. She explained what it meant to “be saved” and that night at church, I went down to the front altar, knelt and begged Jesus to live in my heart.

I pleaded with Him to forgive my sins.

As an adult I realize now I loved Him because He first loved me. Isn’t that incredible? A little six year old girl in Tulsa, Oklahoma caught the eye of the King of Kings, of God Himself, and His Holy Spirit kissed and awakened my heart.

And I, by His grace, said yes.

So, what about you. When did Jesus tapped your heart? Post below the date you met Him. If you’ve not met Him, post when you first heard of Jesus or God.

Come, just as you are, without one plea… Jesus did it all for you!

Comments 6

  1. Oh my Rachel, what a wonderful post, brought tears to my eyes as I remembered that day with you.

    Those old songs still convey the wonderful Gospel to us. I love it when we sing one of the “old” songs along w/the contemporary music in our church worship.

    Love you,

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  2. August 8, 1988. (8-8-88:) At church camp in Las Vegas, New Mexico. (Did you know there’s a Las Vegas in New Mexico?!)
    I was 15 and my mom had just gotten re-married and moved us from Wyoming to Kansas. I felt my life was miserably out of control and I was scraping to get any sort of control back – my attitude was not pretty. I went to camp just to get away from home. Little did I know, God was already there, waiting for me.
    The older I get and the more I get to know my Savior, the more thankful I am that He is ALWAYS already there, wherever I am going.

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  3. Sitting in a church meeting while at college I began reading about the Savior’s atonement. I can still, this many years later, remember the overwhelming feeling of love that came into my heart and the whisperings from the Spirit of the truthfulness of the Savior’s love for me and His suffering on my behalf. Many times since then, when I for one reason or another falter on my path, I think back to that moment and remember. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love for my Savior’s atonement and the life He lead that I can try and follow as a believer.

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