Prayer for the President — Part Two

Rachel Hauck prayer 8 Comments

Rachel Hauck, Barak ObamaI’m not a fan of Barack Obama’s politics or policies.

I am for small, limited federal government. Washington is a mess fiscally and morally.

At the core, I don’t believe this President is a patriot. Nor do I believe he loves this country.

Why? Because he’s what a friend of mine called a “third culture kid.”

Barack spent his formative years in Muslim Indonesia. Follow that with his teen years being raise by communist grandparents in Hawaii. On the heels of that he attended liberal Ivy league universities, settled down in Chicago and joined a Liberation Theology church. If you don’t know what Liberation Theology is, do your homework.

It’s hard to love a country you don’t grow up in. Or when your adult influences are anti-your-country.

It disturbs me the wife of a future president would ever say “For the first time in my adult life, I’m proud of my country.”

No matter what you feel about America’s faults and ills, mistakes and blindsides, Michelle Obama grew up in the most free, most prosperous country in the world. She was privileged, received an Ivy League education.

Yet she found nothing to be proud of? I’m her age. I know what America she grew up in… There was plenty

There was and is plenty to be proud of…

I’m just being honest, here. I’m setting the stage for how God changed me!

I was and am at time am nervous for our country, for the press’s infatuation with this president, and how major events like Benghazi are just swept aside.

(A rant about the media is for another day…)

Never in our history has a president been elected with the media declaring, “We don’t know him. We’ll just have to wait and see what he does.” A quote from Tom Brokow.

Isn’t it the job of the press to investigate and report? The press didn’t know him because they didn’t want to know him.

I don’t believe this president has been honest about who he is and what he believes.

And at the core, I’m not convinced he’s really in charge. I think the people around him are calling the shots.

“Okay, okay, get to your prayer, Rachel.”

After the 2012 election, I was pretty down. Not just about the election but about the overall morality and landscape of America.

As I sat down to pray, the presence of the Lord settled on me with peace, joy, and even a love for this president.

More than that, I sensed the Lord’s love for him. “Pray for Barack,” He said. “He needs it. America needs it.”

So despite what I saw, felt and heard in the natural, my spirit (Eph 1:17-20) heard, “Pray for this president.”

I felt a bit of hope. I felt peace and joy! Yeah, real joy. Hey, maybe God had more going on that I realize. Go figure.

A few days later, I was in an email conversation with some friends, and the topic of Barack’s legacy came up.

How would the history books remember him? The words narcissist, liar, socialist, worst president in history, swindler, came up.

As I prepared to join the conversation, the Holy Spirit graciously tapped my heart and inspired me to write a history of the president that I cannot see with my eyes but felt with my heart.

These words have become my prayer. Will they come true? I don’t know but every time I pray this prayer, I tear up and encounter the presence of the Lord.

Listen, perhaps it does not matter so much what our elected officials do but how the elect of God respond and pray!

What the history books might record about President Obama:

“In his day, America experience a third Great Awakening and many were “saved” and the churches grew by the 10,000s Obama himself experienced a spiritual awakening in which he declared, ‘Jesus is Lord.’ During his last year in office, more than 500,000 people jammed the National Mall in DC to fast and pray on the National Day of Prayer. The next day, while some skeptics deny the connection, miracles were reported in the DC hospitals where cancer and other deceases were healed. One man was raised from the dead. The last seven months of his presidency saw the capture of more than a dozen human traffic rings and the exposure of twenty terrorist plots. In what is now called the Summer Surprise, Congress agreed unanimously to cut taxes. The months leading up to Christmas saw unprecedented economic grown and real deficit reduction. Obama left office with the NY Times called him the greatest comeback president of all time.”

Maybe it’s not the words, or the details of this potential historical record, but the heart of hope, faith, and the belief that God can and just might want to move through our president and in our nation.

Pray for our president. Romans 13 commands us to do so in order to live peaceful and quite lives. If you cannot be for Barak Obama, be for the Lord. Submit to scripture.

Maybe the direction of our nation has nothing to do with who we vote for by by who we pray to and how we believe.

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Comments 8

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  1. Wow!

    Last Sunday, in Bible Study we read Romans 13. And a lady commented on reading “What’s so Amazing about Grace” by Philip Yancy. She commented that Billy Graham was criticized for meeting with President Clinton.

    This opened our hearts to the current president that God may shed His amazing grace on all of us.

    1. Post

      Susan, I think we have to find that place where we stand for and speak up for holiness while being at peace with our leaders and praying for them. I’m convinced a good part of God’s sovereignty is about partnering with His people on earth of His kingdom to come!

      Let’s pray on!

  2. Wow…I just saw this on Twitter Rachel since I follow you and wow. You made some REALLY good points here. I’ve been frustrated a lot as of late with Obama due to Obamacare and everything with the health insurance and NSA and have been angry…and dealing with life depression.

    This makes me think about how with certain celebrities I don’t like, such as Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus, how I pray for them while many others ridicule them. I started to get back into that habit again and have prayed for this country a number of times myself, but always got frustrated and remember crying one night asking God why He won’t make things better for my generation and is letting this happen and get so bad. It’s really left me scared and shaken because of where things are going right now.

    But you’re right. Sometimes we just have to pray and have faith. I agree with how you said “If you cannot be for Obama, be for the Lord.” That’s a really good point.

    Anyways, I’m rambling here lol. I think I should add Obama to my prayer list…perhaps THAT will make a difference.

    Thank you again, Happy New Year, and can’t wait for your next book!!

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      Kristin, I know it’s hard to step outside of ourselves and get His mindset. But I really want that approach toward others. Thanks for chiming in. Your thoughts on the topic add to this discussion.

      Blessings! Happy New Year!


  3. Thank you for this word of encouragement to prayer for the president. I’ve been praying for the Lord’s righteousness & justice prevail across this land – it’s been very hard for me to pray for the president but you have encouraged me in how to pray for him.

    Thank you Rachel

  4. Thank you Rachel, it is SO hard for me to pray for the President. I pray for God’s righteousness & justice to prevail across our land & particularly in Washington DC BUT as you say I need to submit to the Word of the Lord 7 pray His word in obedience.

    Thank you Rachel, you always stir my heart.

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