Ten Things To Consider While Flattening The Virus, Not Ourselves

Rachel Hauck life 4 Comments

Rachel HauckUnless you’re Rip Van Winkle or a recluse living in the desert — which wouldn’t be a bad idea about now — you know the nation is combating the spread of COVID-19. The Corona Virus 2019.

As a nation, we’re staying home, taking care of ourselves, avoiding physical contact with others, downloading GrubHub or DoorDash for the first time. We’re even having our groceries delivered. Which was a normal thing in my grandmother’s day.

While some of us still work, our extra curricular activities have come to a grinding halt. What can we do with the extra time on our hands? Too much social media and streaming movies makes us a bit dull after awhile, I dare say even grumpy.

We’re trying to flatten the virus not ourselves!

Let’s brainstorm ways to pass the time we’d normally be shopping, working, dining out, visiting friends, going to church or club meetings.

1.  Reading. Of course I have to start off with books! Take a look at your TBR pile and pull out a book. If your local library is open, stop by and see what they recommend. Or download a recommended story to your e-reader. Books spark our imagination and open our hearts in ways television, movies and video games can’t reach.

2. Photo Albums! Dig out the old family photo albums and take a walk down memory lane. It’s good to touch base with our roots now and then. You can also use the time to organize those photos. I have a bunch in an old sewing box of my grandmother’s and a good many need to be thrown away. Remember the days of the “duplicate prints?” I don’t need two blurry images of a landscape I no longer recognize!

3. Slides! Movies! Remember the family slides and old 8mm movies. We have some film from my dad’s childhood. My grandfather was a bit of a photography buff and artist. My brother came for a visit this month with his family and brought my dad’s slides. I’ve looked through about five boxes already and it’s amazing to remember what great hair I had in the ’80s! And of course to see my siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends all looking so young.

4. Exercise anyone? Don’t just sit around while quarantined. You’ve been saying you’re too busy to exercise well now is your chance. Where do you live? Can you ski or hike? What about cycling? Or walking around your neighborhood? Did you spend some $$ on an exercise program you used a few times and quit? Give it a go again! Set a goal and stick to it then assess your result at the end of this COVID-19 season. I bet you’ll be pleased.

5. Gardening. Do the flower beds need some sprucing? Why not take this time to work on some outdoor improvements. I went to Lowes with Hubby to get a grill and the place was packed with people tackling home projects. So try sprucing up the yard. That’ll show COVID who’s boss.

Rachel Hauck

Christmas ’82. With my youngest siblings.

6. Speaking of Home Improvement. What about painting a room that needs freshening up? Or cleaning out the garage? I’m planning on cleaning out the garage in the next week or so. Since I work from home my job isn’t impacted but my gym and favorite diner is closed, along with church and WW meetings, so I have extra time. Let’s do some HGTVing while #shelteringinplace.

7. Play Games. Board games. Face to face games. My sister and her family came for spring break. We had beach access but the rest of our activities were shut down. We relaxed a lot more than usual, watched a few inspiring movies, and played Euchre on the back deck! We laughed a lot, which is always good.

8. Sleep Anyone? Even if you’re still working, your nights and weekends have probably changed. If not yours, someone in your family or household. A spouse, child, roommate. Take this altered reality to work on better rest and sleep habits. Grab the good book you started reading and crawl into bed early. Fall asleep dreaming of far away places. Turn off the alarm. Sleep a bit later than normal. Most of us can’t sleep in because we’re used to waking up early for work. Or we wake up in the middle of the night thinking of all the things we have to do. Use this season to rest more. Let go of cares and worries. Rest is good for the mind, body and soul.

9. Those Recipes! I collect recipes I never try. Since we can’t eat out, why not dig through your recipes and try something new? You may end up with a few new family favorites.

10. Pray. Most people want to pray or meditate on God but never get around to it. We’re too busy, too distracted, too unsure. Take time to sit in a  quiet place and talk to Him. Share your heart, your fears, your concerns and desires. Ask Him to share His with you! Open up to how He feels about you. Don’t start with a mad, sad God image. He’s not mad at you or sad over you! He loves you! You just don’t know Him well enough to understand how much. Same with me! I’m learning too. Use this season to get to know the Almighty who made you, who died for you, who actually enjoys you!

BONUS IDEAS! Aren’t you excited? I asked my HRHs on Rachel Hauck’s Royal 1000 to share their ideas for this #alonetogether time.

  1. “Take free online classes. Learn to draw.” — Rhonda LeClerg.
  2. Bake Bread. “We are making different breads: sourdough starter, artisan bread, batter bread to name a few.” — Joyce Heffron.
  3. “Set up a window safari. Place stuffed animals in your window and have your neighbors do the same. When you take kids for a walk, they can look for the different animals.” — Kaetie Combs. (Love this!)
  4. “Check on your elderly family by phone who are on lockdown.” — Jeanne Crea. (Yes, please remember friends or family who are alone.)
  5. “Jigsaw puzzles!” — Stephanie Ziegler

Hope you enjoyed this post. You’re all grown up folk so you don’t need me to tell you to take care, but please do. Be mindful. God bless you all!

Comments 4

  1. I belong to a book club and we met in my screened-in porch, 4 ft away from each other yesterday and discussed the Fifth Avenue Story Society for 3 hours!!! Each character gave us plenty to discuss as we could all related either personally or with someone from our families. It was great to be so unhurried. We offered to video chat in anyone that couldn’t attend personally.

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  2. Hi! I found Fifth Avenue on Amazon – do not recall what I was searching for – well, I loved it and have since read three of your other books (Wedding Dress, Writing Desk and Memory House) and absolutely LOVE the stories!!

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